Landscaping expert says 'start now' to get lush green grass for summer

A back garden with a tidy flower bed and freshly mowed lawn enclosed by a wooden fence
Grass care needs to start asap -Credit:Getty (stock)

As we find ourselves near the end of April, it’s crucial to kickstart your lawn care to ensure a lush, green landscape through the seasons. Steven Bell, an experienced landscaping expert, underscores the need for immediate and diligent maintenance to achieve year-round lush grass.

Steven emphasises the importance of addressing lawn care immediately if your grass appears neglected. He points out that proactive measures like effective weed management are essential.

He advises pulling weeds from the roots to prevent their return - as warmer months approach, it’s crucial to keep your lawn trimmed and weed-free, key for maintaining its greenness. Steven, who owns and manages Paving Shopper, notes that keeping your lawn vibrant all year requires commitment, as environmental and weather conditions directly impact grass health.

Spring marks a significant phase for revitalising your lawn after winter. Steven suggests increasing mowing frequency at this time, recommending cutting the grass to about five centimetres to promote photosynthesis, vital for the grass’s recovery and vitality.

He also highlights the importance of pre-emptive hydration to prepare for potential summer droughts, recalling challenges from past severe weather. This preparation is crucial to help the lawn withstand similar future conditions.

Steven also notes that effective weeding is essential for a pristine summer lawn appearance. As weeds proliferate with the spring warmth, it’s important to manage them aggressively to prevent them from overtaking the grass.

Steven's steps for green grass

  • Start now: Begin your lawn care routine without delay if your lawn is looking lacklustre.

  • Weed management: Pull out weeds by the roots to ensure they don’t return.

  • Increase mowing: As the weather warms, increase the frequency of mowing and keep the grass at approximately five centimetres.

  • Hydrate: Prepare for dry spells by hydrating your lawn early, especially ahead of the summer.

  • Control weeds: Regularly check for and remove weeds during the growing season to keep your lawn pristine.