Language expert names London Underground stations 'everybody' mispronounces

A London Underground train at a station
-Credit: (Image: Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Unless you're a true Londoner through and through, chances are you've gazed at the London Tube map and felt utterly perplexed by some of the station names.

While it's fairly straightforward to get the pronunciation of places like Old Street and Bond Street right, others can leave newcomers completely flummoxed.

Given the quintessentially British desire to avoid any form of public embarrassment, it's a stroke of luck that these days you can simply tap in and out without having to verbally grapple with requesting a ticket to ' Ruislip ' or ' Marylebone '.

READ MORE: The 6 London boroughs with no Tube stations at all - and the areas with the most

However, dodging the tongue-twisting station names might not be something you can avoid indefinitely.

In a bid to save us from our pronunciation woes, a language expert has come to the rescue, highlighting six London Underground stations that "everybody struggles to pronounce."

The social media sensation and language tutor from Aurora Online Language lessons on TikTok and Instagram shared her insights on how to correctly articulate six of the most challenging station names.

But be prepared for some surprises. It's no shock to find Central London stops like 'Holborn' and ' Southwark ' on the list of commonly butchered names, but you might be taken aback to learn that Tottenham Court Road is considered one of the trickiest (it turns out the 'en' in the middle isn't pronounced!

Leicester Square and Greenwich also made her list as ones that can trip up the tongue, as well as Borough.

While certain TikTok users were able to sympathise with the video, with comments like "French guy here. After 23 years in London I still can't get Holborn right", other London natives werent as understanding.

The suggestion that "everybody" mispronounces the station names, rubbed some individuals the wrong way, as they responded with phrases of disagreement such as, "I really don't think everyone pronounces them wrong," and "born and bred in London so not everybody".

Let's just say, never tell a Londoner that they don't know London.

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