Leading Scots Tory campaigner exposed for supporting far-right party in France

John White in France.
-Credit: (Image: X.com)

A leading Tory campaigner has been jetting off to France to campaign for Marine Le Pen's far-right party as it sweeps to power.

Former Scottish Tory candidate John White revelled in getting a photo with the anti-immigrant National Rally president, Jordan Bardella, who is in line to be the next prime minister of France.

He has also been a prominent campaigner for the Tories, posing with Conservative candidate David Mundell and former leader Ruth Davidson.

Last night there were calls from Scottish Labour for the Tories to tackle extremists in their ranks after the link between the Scottish Tory activist and National Rally were uncovered by the Daily Record.

Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour's deputy leader, said: "That someone considered suitable for political office by the Tory party has been campaigning overseas in this manner raises serious questions about the party's judgement.

"There is no place for hate in Scottish politics – whatever our political prospectus, we should be working to unite Scotland's communities for a better future, not trying to divide them."

National Rally, which used to be the National Front, could win the parliamentary elections in France after the NR and allies won 33 per cent of first round votes at the weekend. Bardella, 28, has threatened a "cultural battle" against Islamism.

NR positions include ending birthright citizenship for people born in France to foreign parents, making it easier to close mosques and barring dual nationals from some state jobs.

White, a former Scottish Tory council candidate, has been enjoying the success of Bardella. On June 9, during a trip to France, he posted a selfie with Bardella on the day of the European Parliament elections.

He tweeted: "As votes have closed in the #EUelections24, it’s great to see a surge of people wanting to put their own nations first and a rise for the right in Europe. Maybe countries outwith can learn some lessons! Special congratulations to @J_Bardella."

He added: "I recently had the chance to be invited to the Nice RN office whilst exploring the city. It was great to learn about the make-up of French politics and the fight to reclaim the city."

This tweet included a photo of White next to a National Rally poster of Bardella and parliamentary party leader Marine le Pen. On Sunday – the day of the French elections – he re-posted his picture with Bardella.

He wrote: "Change in Europe continues today. Good luck @J_Bardella." White has also been hitting the campaign trail in support of the Scottish Tories during the general election.

John White in France.
John White with Jordan Bardella.

He tweeted a picture of himself with his arm around former Scots Tory leader Davidson, saying it was "good" to catch up with her in Moffat. He also posted a picture with Tory candidate David Mundell, urging people to vote for the veteran Tory on Thursday.

He tweeted last month: "Vote Scottish Conservative." Other social media activity has seen him aim digs at SNP candidates for campaigning to win Muslim votes.

He said in one video: "Are the SNP playing dirty politics in this general election? In last week's video I explained how the SNP's candidate for Glasgow East, David Linden, was standing outside of a mosque in Govanhill in Glasgow with none other than Nicola Sturgeon, handing out leaflets with a big Palestinian flag on them."

He added: "We've also had [SNP candidates] Marion Fellows and Anum Qaisar… handing out leaflets outside of a mosque in Motherwell which also have a big Palestinian flag on them."

White clashed with SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn last year during BBC's Debate Night. He was an audience member and criticised the SNP, prompting Flynn to say: "I think I recognise the young man as a prominent Conservative activist."

White responded: "I've still got an opinion and I've still got a vote, and it's voters that keep you in your job." But White's support for National Rally has angered prominent Conservatives.

A source said: "The disgusting support that John White has clearly shown to a xenophobic, far-right party in France goes against everything the Scottish Conservatives stand for.

"We have made great strides in recent years, attracting more black, Asian and minority ethnic candidates than ever before and these actions threaten to undermine that progress.

"I am confident the party will take appropriate action and expel him." White confirmed he is a member of the Scottish Tories and disputed that National Rally is a far-right party.

He said: "I don't think they are hostile to immigration. I think they want to cut immigration, like any party. If you look at the policies of any party in this general election, you'll see all of the parties, or most at least, are putting forward policies to cut immigration."

He said he didn't say he liked the National Rally: "I congratulated Jordan Bardella." On how he got the selfie, he said: "He was at an event I was at." The row comes after the Tories blasted figures in the Reform party over racism.

A Scottish Conservative spokesperson said: "These are John's personal views." But last night there were calls for the Scottish Tories to sever all ties between their activists and National Rally.

Green MSP Maggie Chapman said: "National Rally is a far-right extremist outfit, and we should all unite in rejecting it in the strongest terms. It is grounded in fascism and has a long history of peddling vile, bigoted and divisive politics."

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