Lee Anderson 'Arguing With Himself' With Passive Aggressive Tweet About His Barge Holiday

Lee Anderson’s latest attempt to wind-up sections of British politics appears to have misfired after he suggested anyone who was against his Easter holiday plans on a canal boat needs a “reality check”.

The Tory MP has ridden the culture war wave to become deputy chairman of the Conservative Party thanks to a series of controversial opinions, and aided by the “red wall” credentials that come from representing a constituency in Labour’s former heartlands.

Among his propositions, Anderson, who represents Ashfield in Nottinghamshire, was been branded “30p Lee” after claiming food banks are not really necessary because people can cook meals for 30p a day.

He has also criticised England footballers for taking the knee and said he would support the return of the death penalty because “nobody has ever committed a crime after being executed”.

But you’d have to walk a long way to find someone who takes offence to his latest position.

“My Weekend,” he began in a tweet. “I won’t be travelling to foreign shores. Tomorrow I will start a weekend break with my 2 boys on a canal boat in North Wales. I cannot wait & anyone who thinks that this is wrong needs to have a reality check. Love your country. It’s not that difficult. Happy Easter.”

Predictably, absolutely no-one appeared to have the slightest problem with it.
