Lee Pace and Rachel Sennott give killer commentary on our behind-the-scenes Bodies Bodies Bodies gallery

Lee Pace and Rachel Sennott give killer commentary on our behind-the-scenes Bodies Bodies Bodies gallery

In A24's Bodies Bodies Bodies (out Aug. 5), a group of young friends (Rachel Sennott, Chase Sui Wonders, and Myha'la Herrold) are invited for a weekend of drinking, drugging, and games by Pete Davidson's character at his family's remote mansion. They are joined by Lee Pace, playing the older boyfriend of Sennott's party girl, as well as Amandla Sternberg and Maria Bakalova's gate-crashers. When the weekend goes south, with a hurricane raging outside and a rising body count within, friends rapidly become frenemies in director Halina Reijn's hilarious skewering of Gen Z.

Bodies Bodies Bodies
Bodies Bodies Bodies

Gwen Capistran/A24 Rachel Sennott and Lee Pace in Bodies Bodies Bodies

What was it like to make this bawdy, blood-drenched slice of mayhem? Fortunately, the cast and crew were gifted disposable cameras to photograph the behind-the-scenes action. We phoned the onscreen couple of Rachel Sennott and Lee Pace to talk us through an exclusive gallery of the results.


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 (Left to right) Myha'la Herrold, Amandla Sternberg, Rachel Sennott, Chase Sui Wonders

RACHEL SENNOTT: Okay, that is our hair and makeup den. Everything we did was in this giant house and hair and makeup was in what would have been a gym downstairs. It's like four in the morning, you're getting retouched-up with blood, and we would go in there, and it would be our safe haven. We would play music and re-energize ourselves or hang out and talk. So that was a fun room.

LEE PACE: I loved every mInute of working with them. I'd just come off this show Foundation, for Apple TV, which is a very different kind of project: huge sets, big characters. This is a real actors' piece with this incredible group. I have so much affection looking at them. They're very bloody there. They do look in pretty bad shape!


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 (Left to right): Chase Sui Wonders, Amandla Sternberg, Maria Bakalova, Myha'la Herrold

SENNOTT: I think I took that one. We really bonded. It was so crazy because we were in this small town, staying in basically a haunted hotel. It was this weird, creepy motel, and we were all staying on the same floor and we would just go to each other's rooms and hang out and talk and we bonded really really quickly. There was a little bit of trauma-bonding too. Like, in this photo, we would run to the car in the rain and we would all be in the car shivering. You go through that together and you get close really quickly.


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 (Left to right): Pete Davidson, Chase Sui Wonders, Lee Pace, Rachel Sennott

PACE: We were shooting the beginning of a game where we were kind of hitting each other. It's the beginning of the game, and one of the customs this group of friends is to take a shot and hit your neighbor in the face. Pete's about to hit me in the face here.

SENNOTT: Oh, that was when we were filming the slap scene, which was a very fun scene to film. We actually all slapped each other once, because we wanted to feel what it felt like. And I've never been slapped in the face before. It was electrifying!


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 (Left to right): Rachel Sennott, Chase Sui Wonders, Myha'la Herrold

SENNOTT: That would be a little latte. I love those behind-the-scenes of the Marie Antoinette movie where it's, like, Kirsten Dunst with the fries. We would take silly photos like that in our blood. Those are my favorite kind of photos. It's very "breaking the fourth wall." I love it.

PACE: Rachel made me laugh constantly. What a fun, easy connection we had from the minute we met. The love affair that these two characters have made total sense to me. I feel like Greg [Pace's character] is swept up on this weekend: He loves them all, he's having such a great time. They really know how to take a picture, these girls, don't they?


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 (Left to right): Rachel Sennott, director Halina Reijn, Myha'la Herrold

SENNOTT: Halina's amazing. I loved working with her. It felt like we were a theater company, which she talks about a lot. We would rehearse all these scenes with her, but then, after we had it down, she would push us to be free and try things. It was really an amazing experience.

PACE: She's an actor herself, and her understanding of character and what moves the story along is from an actor's point of view. So to see her take on this different role of director was inspiring.


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 Pete Davidson on the set of Bodies Bodies Bodies

SENNOTT: I think it was really hot. We were either freezing cold or boiling hot, very extreme temperatures. So hair and make-up would give us these fans and we would be waving ourselves in between takes. Or it would be very cold and we would be shivering with towels. Pete was amazing. He's really sweet, and he's so funny of course, but it was really cool watching him play this role because there was a lot of serious acting to be done. He really committed to his character and developing his character's toxic relationship with the whole group. It was just really fun to act off him.

PACE: On set, Pete is such a pro. He delivered for every take, nailed it every time, and did surprising things every time. On-camera, such an incredibly talented person, and off-camera, absolutely hilarious. I always would want to pull up a seat next to him because his stories are the best.


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 Rachel Sennott in Bodies Bodies Bodies

SENNOTT: I think Myha'la took that. Alice [Sennott's character] is there for a good time. She wants everyone to have fun. She's clearly a flawed character but I wanted to be on her side, because I'm playing her. So, from my perspective, I was like: She thinks we're here in this beautiful house. We should all just have fun, and everyone just wants to create problems. I think Alice wishes that just everyone would, like, dance, you know. Dance and do drugs! They are a bunch of jerks, but fun jerks.

PACE: I had just seen Rachel's movie Shiva Baby before we started shooting, and I am so impressed with her confidence and her sense of comedy. I mean, talk about a total natural. I am so excited to see the kind of roles and people she inhabits as she continues to work. What a scene stealer, my God.


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 (Left to right): Amandla Sternberg and Maria Bakalova

SENNOTT: By the end, the whole place was trashed. We were sticky, dirty, gooey, sopping wet. Any of the times where it's the girls running through the house, we were just covered in blood so much, and we would shower in the house at the end of the night, and you would just look down and all the blood would be pooling. So, no, we did not keep anything clean.


Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes
Bodies Bodies Bodies behind the scenes

The Cast and Crew of Bodies Bodies Bodies /A24 (Left to right): Myha'la Herrold, Amandla Sternberg, Pete Davidson, Lee Pace, Maria Bakalova, Rachel Sennott, Case Sui Wonders

PACE: What a nice picture with all of us. What a treasure to have that. The thing about a film camera is, you take so many pictures on your phone but to take a picture on film, it's like you're really marking a special moment that you want to remember. And I see that in this photo. I see a chance to remember something I very much want to remember, which is being a part of this cast.

Bodies Bodies Bodies hits theaters Aug. 5. Watch the film's trailer below.

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