Leeds chop shop gang sentenced after 'profiting from people's misery'

[Left] Sam Oliver [Top, L-R] Mark Smith, Jason Tester, [Bottom, L-R] Andrew Oldroyd and Adrian Stewart have been sentenced for their parts in a chop shop conspiracy
[Left] Sam Oliver [Top, L-R] Mark Smith, Jason Tester, [Bottom, L-R] Andrew Oldroyd and Adrian Stewart have been sentenced for their parts in a chop shop conspiracy -Credit:West Yorkshire Police

An organised crime group in Leeds "profited from people's misery" as it ran a chop shop in the city.

A police investigation under the name Operation Digford, led by officers from Leeds District Intelligence Unit, uncovered three of the shops in Leeds and Dewsbury - where vehicles were being dismantled and parts prepared to be sold off. The group worked by stealing the keyless vehicles by scanning the signal from the owners' key fobs and using an on-board diagnostics tool to start the vehicles.

In one incident in August 2022 on Lime Pit Lane, Wakefield, a man was left with life-changing injuries after he confronted Mark Smith, who drove over him. The man became trapped under the front wheel of the van and travelled with it for around 800 metres before breaking free. Wakefield District CID and District Crime Team were able to connect the robbery to a chop shop in Armley which was already being investigated.

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The gang was sentenced at Leeds Crown Court on Thursday and Friday last week, with Smith, 40, of Tong Way, jailed for 15 years for robbery and conspiracy to steal motor vehicles. Andrew Oldroyd, 49, of Wood Lane, Rothwell, was jailed for seven-and-a-half years for two counts of conspiracy to steal motorvehicles and one count of handling stolen goods.

Sam Oliver, 34, of Fifth Avenue in Rothwell, was jailed for six years and three months for two counts of conspiracy to steal motor vehicles. Adrian Stewart, 35, of Meynell Approach, Leeds, was jailed for two years and four months for conspiracy to steal motor vehicles and handling stolen goods while Jason Tester, 51, of Cottingley Road, Leeds, was jailed for 18 months for conspiracy to steal motor vehicles.

Peter Hoyle, 38, of Aberford Road, Woodlesford, was jailed for 11 months for conspiracy to steal motorvehicles, Edgar Uzulins, 34, of Baileys Crescent in Leeds was handed a 20-month sentence suspended for two years.

One of the chop shops
One of the chop shops -Credit:West Yorkshire Police

Julie Hainsworth, 48, of Stratford Avenue in Beeston was handed a sentence of nine months suspended for two years for conspiracy to steal motor vehicles and James Hemingway, 50, of Wood Drive in Rothwell was jailed for two months for perverting the course of justice.

Detective Chief Inspector Scott Hartley, Precision Lead for Leeds District, said: “This was an organised crime group who profited from other people’s misery by targeting high value vehicles and trade vans containing tools. This was a sophisticated enterprise worth an estimated £1 million.

“In one incident, significant violence was used when the victim has made attempts to stop their vehicle being stolen, showing the willingness and lengths this group would go to carry out these thefts. His life has been devastated socially, financially, and physically by the actions of this OCG.

“The fact is that organised crime ruins lives and under Programme Precision we are committed to disrupting and dismantling those involved in organised criminality.”

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