Let's unpack the ending of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

The ending of AGGGTM explained Moonage Pictures/Simon Ridgway - BBC

Contains major spoilers

The number one thing on our watchlist this week has been the BBC's adaptation of A Good Girl's Guide To Murder. The six-part series tells the story of college student Pip who is *obsessed* with unpacking what really happened to teenager Andie Bell who was said to be murdered by her boyfriend Sal five years ago.

Together with Sal's younger brother Ravi, Pip dives into full investigation mode, digging into the past and getting several threats in the process. So does she solve the case? And who was the person sending her threats? Here's all your A Good Girl's Guide to Murder ending questions answered.

Who killed Andie Bell?

After receiving a call from 'Secret Older Guy' at the end of episode five, which turned out to be Naomi using an old phone of her dad Elliot's, Pip put two and two together and realised something was going on between Andie and Elliot, and he was in fact 'Secret Older Guy'.

She tracked Elliot down to this old house and he eventually confessed to having a relationship with Andie after he began tutoring her. However, Andie then began dating Sal and fell in love with him.

Andie then attempted to blackmail Elliot and asked him for £5,000 or else she'd tell the world about their relationship. She wanted the money to be able to leave town and get away from her overbearing dad. The second time she blackmailed him the pair physically fought and Elliot pushed her and she hit her head on the countertop, giving her a severe head injury, but she walked away alive.

Later that evening, having seen Sal and agreeing to leave town together the next day, Andie returned home to her sister Becca.

Moonage Pictures/Simon Ridgway - BBC

However, her sister was less than pleased to see her. Becca had previously attended a party and was drugged and raped by Max Hastings. Becca wanted to report it to the police and asked her sister to come with her, but Andie told her she couldn't because she was the one who sold Max the drugs. BTW she sold the drugs to make money so she could leave town, but her dad then discovered the money and took it away from her.

The evening Andie returned home she told Becca she was leaving, and Becca was furious as it had always been the two of them against their father, and so she lashed out and pushed her sister against the cupboards which given Andie's earlier head injury essentially killed her. Becca then buried her sister.

How did Sal actually die?

By the end of episode four Pip works out Sal could have never killed Andie as he was with his friends and took a picture of them after midnight, which was later posted on Max's private social media account. And therefore Sal didn't commit suicide over his guilt of murdering Andie. So who killed him?

That was Elliot. After hearing Andie had gone missing he presumed he would be found guilty of murder (which he kinda was) and so he looked for someone else to blame it on. He framed Sal for Andie's murder, sending a text from his phone and then smothered Sal to death to make it appear as if Sal had committed suicide.

What's going on with the woman in Elliot's attic?

This Elliot guy just gets creepier and creepier. At the end of episode five after she hears Elliot's confession to having a relationship with Andie, Pip hears a noise coming from the pipes upstairs in Elliot's house. BTW the house is the old family home that Elliot was meant to have sold but apparently kept this whole time.

Pip rushed up the stairs and opened the attic, expecting to find Andie Bell alive, except that's not who she found. Instead another woman was up there alive.


Isla, the woman in the attic, turned out to a be a young woman who had been rough sleeping when Elliot drove past her and offered her a place to stay for the night. He drunkenly confessed to killing Sal and when Isla tried to make her escape, he trapped her in the house and locked her up in the attic.

He secretly visited her over the years, which explained all his suss behaviour of saying he was tutoring but as Cara pointed out brought no more money home.

Who killed Barney the dog?

One of the saddest parts of the series was undoubtedly when Pip discovered her beloved dog Barney had been killed.

Throughout the series Pip was given a number of threats. One was delivered on paper, which turned out to have been sent from Elliot. The others were all sent via text, including the ones threatening to kill Barney, and these were sent by Becca, who then appeared to have killed Barney.

Who was blackmailing Max and Naomi?

At the beginning of episode five Naomi explained the reason why she and Max had been so secretive around Andie's death.

Five years ago, shortly before Andie went missing they drove home drunk from a party and Max hit another car, leaving a man severely injured. Max called PC Dan de Silva to cover up the crime they committed. He managed to do this by blackmailing Dan, who he knew had committed statutory rape by having sex with Andie when she was underage.

However, Max's blackmail came back to bite him as he and Naomi were then also blackmailed. Elliot read his daughter's diary where she had written about the hit and run and used it to his advantage to make Sal look guilty.

Elliot sent a note to Max telling him and the others to lie about the time Sal left Max's otherwise he would tell the police what they had done. This therefore made Sal look guilty and got the heat off Elliot.

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is available on BBC iPlayer now

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