LETTER: Audit shows there are no 'significant failings' at city council

Salisbury Guildhall. Image: Spencer Mulholland
Salisbury Guildhall. Image: Spencer Mulholland

I imagine there are residents who may be concerned about the finances of Salisbury City Council following the front-page news in last week’s Journal.

On June 4, Mulberry Local Authority Services issued an independent, thorough and rigorous audit report, which presents an accurate and reassuring perspective on the effectiveness of the internal control systems.

Read more: Salisbury City Council faces bankruptcy if it continues to overspend

The following quotes are taken directly from the 13-page document.

“… Our sample testing did not uncover any errors or misstatements that require reporting to the external auditor at this time, nor did we identify any significant weaknesses in the internal controls such that public money would be put at risk …”

“… It is clear the council takes governance, policies and procedures seriously and I am pleased to report that overall, the systems and procedures you have in place are fit for purpose and whilst my report may contain recommendations to change these are not indicative of any significant failings, but rather are pointers to improving upon an already well-ordered system ...”

“… It is therefore our opinion that the systems and internal procedures at Salisbury City Council are well established and followed…"

As part of this increased financial grip, the new senior management team are working with elected members to navigate the fiscal challenge and make choices which deliver quality services and make financial sense on behalf of the businesses, residents and visitors of our city.

In accordance with our policy of open and transparent communication of all the operational aspect of our services, the full audit report is available on the SCC website.

Residents are, as always, encouraged to attend and participate in our finance and governance committee meetings and full council meetings.

Dates of future meetings, agenda, and minutes of all meetings are available on our website - salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk/

John Wells on behalf of Leadership Group SCC

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