Letter: Jon Hiseman obituary
Jon Hiseman was deeply committed to jazz education, and was involved with NYJO (National Youth Jazz Orchestra) almost from its inception, serving for a while as a trustee.
When I became chair in 2010, Jon was one of the first people I approached and I soon realised that he was a superb practical adviser and a creative force full of new ideas for making NYJO better. For example, on being told that the NYJO drum kit was past repair, he took up the challenge of sourcing a new kit at no cost. He and the jazz musician Barbara Thompson generously sponsored chairs (tenor and baritone saxes) in NYJO every year.
I regularly called him to discuss problems and he invariably gave positive, encouraging advice that helped me more than I can say. He always turned up at open days, where his presence encouraged many potential supporters who knew him through Colosseum to commit to helping NYJO.