Life & Beth’s Amy Schumer on the Season 2 Finale’s Birthing-Room Bummer — Plus, Grade the Ep!

This posts contains spoilers for Life & Beth‘s Season 2 finale. Proceed accordingly.

Since its first episode, Life & Beth has reveled in the bittersweet nature of life. The Season 2 finale stays that poignant course, tempering a seminal moment of joy in Beth and John’s relationship with a deep disappointment courtesy of Beth’s sister, Ann.

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Episode 10 finds Schumer’s Beth going into labor and asking Ann (played by Susannah Flood) to accompany her and John to the hospital. Though Ann is still battling the agoraphobia she’s fought all season, she tamps down her discomfort and agrees to be there for the birth of her niece or nephew.

Everything goes great — Ann even helps John do some relaxing breathing as Beth is being prepped for a C-section — until the father-to-be is called into the operating room. Ann says she’ll join him in a minute… then takes off. So she’s not around as Beth delivers a baby boy.

When TVLine chatted with Schumer, we wondered whether Ann’s leaving is something the sisters can get past in a potential Season 3.

“I think families are such a constant negotiation, and the things that you think you can never recover from, you just can,” she said. “Something about families, in my experience, is no matter what, if you go ‘I need you,’ I think anyone in my family — and I know I — would always show up, no matter what’s going on.”

Hulu has not yet renewed the series for a third season, but Schumer said she and co-star Michael Cera, who plays John, “both really would love to do it” — not that she has a roadmap in mind for what life would look like for Beth, John and their infant son.

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“I think that’s something nice about the show,” she added. “We really want it to feel organic. So any sort of ideas that we might have, we’re very down to let them go for something that feels better [in the future].”

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