Listen to Tom Felton recount stealing an adult DVD following first Harry Potter film in audiobook memoir

Listen to Tom Felton recount stealing an adult DVD following first Harry Potter film in audiobook memoir

Tom Felton had a bit of Draco Malfoy's bad boy streak in him at the age of 14.

The Harry Potter star opens up about his early life and career in his memoir Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (out now), which features candid and humorous anecdotes about his time on and off the set of the beloved movie franchise.

Felton reveals he had a few run-ins with the law as a youth, including one particular moment at a DVD store that he feared would get back to the folks at Warner Bros. and jeopardize his turn as Draco. In EW's exclusive first listen of the audiobook (above), Felton recounts stealing a DVD of an "adult nature" from his local HMV store (think Britain's version of a Best Buy).

The setting: a busy Saturday afternoon at a shopping center in England, early on in Felton's wizarding career, between the first and second Harry Potter films. "Clusters of teenagers" ruled the shopping center, "doing what teenagers do," Felton says, and "they pay no attention to a skinny 14-year-old boy with a pale complexion and bleached hair loitering in the vicinity, surrounded by his crew."

Tom Felton in Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
Tom Felton in Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone

Tom Felton and Maggie Smith in 'Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone'

"You might think, and rightly so, that with my distinct blonde hairdo I'd be well advised to avoid trouble," he says, "but teenagers don't do sensible things." Felton and his crew "had trouble in mind," which meant Felton volunteering to swipe an adult DVD in an effort to impress the cool kids. Despite the "potential for extreme embarrassment," Felton — "palms sweating, pulse racing" — entered the shop with "excruciating casualness."

Rather than "execute a swift, subtle theft," Felton says he nervously stalked the DVD, wandering up and down the aisles about 50 times. His plea to a stranger to purchase the DVD for him to feign success was a no-go, prompting him to continue his stake out, which lasted roughly about an hour. "I wish I hadn't volunteered," he says. "I knew it was stupid." At long last, courage: Felton removed the disc and put it into his pocket and sped out of the store.

"Then, disaster," Felton says. Three security guards escorted the young Felton back to the store, where they asked him to turn out his pockets. While they agreed not to tell his mother, the security snapped a polaroid of Felton to add to their wall of "hardened criminals who tried to rip off the record store," the actor says, adding that he was barred from the store for life.

Beyond the Wand by Tom Felton
Beyond the Wand by Tom Felton

Grand Central Publishing 'Beyond the Wand' by Tom Felton

Felton has no idea if his polaroid still remains on the walls of the HMV. For weeks after the incident, he was "terrified" that Warner Bros. or the press would find out about his indiscretion. "I never told a single soul," Felton says. "But what would happen if someone recognized my mugshot? Would they fire me? Would the next film see Harry, Ron, and Hermione terrorized by a different Draco?"

"There's a fine line when you grow up in the public eye between being normal and being reckless," Felton continues. "I crossed a line that Saturday afternoon, no doubt. And while the young Tom Felton was no Draco Malfoy, he was no saint, either. Maybe that's what got me the part in the first place? I'll let you be the judge of that."

Other candid recollections in Felton's memoir include stories about his stint in rehab and anecdotes about fellow Harry Potter costars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson — the latter of which he said encouraged him to also write about some of the tougher memories.

"Emma (Watson) was a big force of encouragement to be like, 'This will resonate with people,'" Felton told USA Today. "'It wouldn't really seem right just to talk about all the fluffy stuff.' After encouragement, I was given a bit more confidence in myself to go, 'You know what? This happened, and this is part of my life.'"

Listen to Felton recount his brush with HMV security in the EW exclusive first listen of the audiobook above.

The audiobook of Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard is available now, online wherever you buy audiobooks.

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