Lithuanian Man Arrives in Miami After Rowing Across Atlantic Solo

Lithuanian national Aurimas Valujavicius landed in Coral Gables, Florida – near Miami – on Tuesday, April 25, after he said he completed a four-month journey rowing across the Atlantic by himself.

This footage by Tautvydas Lukauskas shows Valujavicius’s Lithuanian supporters gathered in the Coral Gables marina to welcome him.

Valujavicius’s journey started on December 26, 2022, from Ayamonte, Spain, Lithuanian media reported.

“After 120 days, 14 hours and 48 minutes, the Atlantic Ocean has been crossed!” Valujavicius said in a Facebook post.

He is the first known Lithuanian national to complete this kind of journey, local news reported.

Valujavicius documented his feat on YouTube. Credit: Tatuvydas Lukauskas via Storyful

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