Local councillor asks residents to join him on a guided wildlife walk in Charvil

Local councillor asks residents to join him on a guided wildlife walk in Charvil <i>(Image: Sam Akhtar)</i>
Local councillor asks residents to join him on a guided wildlife walk in Charvil (Image: Sam Akhtar)

A Conservative Party councillor representing Thames Ward is extending an invitation to all nature enthusiasts and community members to join him on a guided wildlife walk in Charvil.

This wildlife walk is scheduled for Saturday July 6 from 10 am to 12 pm, and promises to be a delightful exploration of the local biodiversity and conservation efforts in the area.

The meeting point is outside the main entrance to The Charvil Pigott Primary School, Park Lane, Charvil, RG10 9TR

As a passionate advocate for wildlife and environmental conservation, Cllr Sam Akhtar is keen to show the wildlife biodiversity in Charvil which includes Otters, Rare Bees and other interesting rare Winged Creatures including birds such as the Grey Heron.

Walkers will have the chance to learn about the various projects that have been implemented to support wildlife conservation.

From the creation of new habitats to the preservation of existing ones, We will be discussing the strategies and actions taken to ensure that Charvil remains a haven for a diverse range of species.

“I am excited to share the progress we’ve made in enhancing our local biodiversity,” said Cllr Akhtar.

“This walk is not just about observing nature, but also understanding the importance of conservation and the steps we can all take to protect our environment, I have real hopes for Charvil to become the first Eco Village in the UK one day"

The two-hour walk will take you through some of Charvil’s most scenic spots, offering ample opportunities to observe and appreciate the rich wildlife that calls this area home.

Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher, a keen botanist, or simply someone who enjoys spending time outdoors, this event is sure to be both informative and enjoyable.

We encourage everyone to take part in this wonderful event. It is a fantastic opportunity to engage with your local councillors, learn more about the environment, and enjoy a pleasant morning in the great outdoors.

Join Cllr Sam Akhtar on July 6 at 10am for a memorable Wildlife Walk and come together to celebrate the progress made in biodiversity and Wildlife Conservation in Charvil.

The group will also be joined by Cllr Wayne Smith and guest speaker Simon Bartlam, Countryside Officer for Wokingham Borough Council.

This event will be the first in a series of three summer walk and talk events organised by Sam. The next event will be a guided historical walk through Wargrave.