Local Elections 2024: Liberal Democrats set out their policies to North East Lincolnshire voters

A focus on public safety is a key message for the local Liberal Democrats seeking support at North East Lincolnshire Council local elections on May 2.

Twelve wards in the local authority will elect a councillor each. Waltham, West Marsh and Wolds Wards will not be, though will still vote in the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner election.

Ahead of polling day, Grimsby Live is hearing from leaders of the councillor groups contesting this year's elections. This time it is Lib Dem Cllr Nicola Aisthorpe's turn.

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The Lib Dems had three councillors after last year's elections, all in East Marsh Ward.

Lib Dems' pitch to North East Lincolnshire voters, and their priorities

Cllr Aisthorpe said: "At our heart, our focus is on addressing poverty, enhancing access to education and healthcare, promoting environmental sustainability, and securing a sustainable legacy for future generations, especially as North East Lincolnshire includes some of the most deprived areas in the entire country." She argued "very little has been done" to address poverty locally, and highlighted her party's recent efforts pushing for a council food poverty action plan.

"We are calling for urgent action to support those in need within our community." The Grimsby and Cleethorpes Lib Dems are also committed to individual empowerment, and community involvement in decision making, and to responsible spending, "avoiding unnecessary Conservative or Labour vanity projects, and ensuring taxpayer money is used wisely".

"We're dedicated to improving public safety, enhancing the well-being and security of all residents." Measures on this include increased community policing and better street lighting.

"Well-lit streets not only deter criminal activity but also enhance the sense of safety and visibility for pedestrians and residents during night-time hours." She added the Lib Dems were committed to "tackling anti-social behaviour head-on", with strategies to address the likes of vandalism and graffiti, and substance abuse.

Housing and Regeneration

Grimsby Live asked about policies on several topics prevalent locally. On housing, Cllr Aisthorpe said the Lib Dems' vision is to prioritise affordable and quality living standards, and tackle unchecked HMOs and rogue landlords.

"Previous council administrations have failed to adequately address housing needs, resulting in many empty properties, a lack of affordable housing, and unsafe living conditions. Also, developers can currently convert family homes into HMOs up to seven bedrooms without planning permission, leading to potential overcrowding and parking issues."

She said the Lib Dems were leading the campaign for several stronger housing regulations in North East Lincolnshire. This included selective licensing to target rogue landlords, many from out of town who exploit cheap properties while neglecting their upkeep, causing local residents to suffer.

"Last year, we called on the Conservative council leader to implement selective licensing in a public council meeting. Despite pledges from him to do so, progress has been slow, which is unacceptable," contended Cllr Aisthorpe. The Lib Dems are also calling for Article 4 directions, which mean smaller HMOs in an area have to go through the full planning process to gain permission. These would provide "better regulation and appropriate location placement" to lessen problems such as anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance.

It has already launched two petitions for such directions in East Marsh and Park wards, due to be debated at July's full council. "We intend that more areas should follow."

A Stagecoach bus turns by Grimsby Town Hall. The Lib Dems would like some routes re-designed, and for service deficiencies in local buses addressed
A Stagecoach bus turns by Grimsby Town Hall. The Lib Dems would like some routes re-designed, and for service deficiencies in local buses addressed -Credit:LDR (Local Democracy Reporter)

"Liberal Democrat policies for achieving regeneration in Cleethorpes, Grimsby, and Immingham focus on several key initiatives," explained Cllr Aisthorpe. This includes support for community-led initiatives focussed to address local needs, and communities to be empowered to drive the regeneration process.

The Lib Dems would support small businesses and entrepreneurship. Their policies advocated access to funding and resources, as part of helping small local businesses to thrive, and generate jobs.

They also wanted to revitalised neglected areas of the towns, including brownfield sites. "Our policies focus on repurposing vacant properties, upgrading dilapidated infrastructure, and creating vibrant public spaces."

Breathing new life into neglected areas would foster community pride, entice investment, and create attractive environments for residents and visitors, she said.

Fly tipping - bring back 'Operation Street Pride'

Asked how Lib Dem councillors would tackle fly tipping, Cllr Aisthorpe highlighted recent efforts. "Liberal Democrat councillors take a proactive stance against fly tipping, evidenced by our recent removal of over 25 tonnes of fly tipping in recent months and the organisation of regular litter picks throughout the years."

She added the Lib Dems were "leading the charge" to ensure council officers thoroughly investigate any identifying documents in dumped waste. She highlighted when last year the Lib Dems picked out a number of instances across Labour and Conservative-run council years of East Marsh fly tipping incidents with reported material linked back to addresses, but no-one had been prosecuted. This showed the "urgent need" to prioritise enforcement.

"Our efforts have already yielded results, with several fly tipping culprits located and held accountable, including incidents like the one on Phelps Street in Sidney Sussex, which we raised in council." However, more was needed.

"To this end, we are committed to not only continuing our efforts to strengthen enforcement but also reintroducing initiatives such as 'Operation Street Pride’, aimed at making our streets cleaner and greener." This involves localised, deep cleans of streets.

More sustainable modes of travel is a transport priority, including developing safer, linked cycling routes. "Safer cycling routes not only protect cyclists from traffic dangers but also encourage more people to choose cycling as a viable mode of transportation, particularly to and from school or work."

They also want "radical improvements" to the area's public transport. This includes redesigned bus routes and action on deficiencies in the local bus service. Cllr Aisthorpe also called for utility companies to be fined for disruptive roadworks.

"We also prioritise tackling road congestion exacerbated by frequent road works, ensuring accountability through heavy fines for disruptions caused by utility companies." She added emphasis on cycling and public transport improvements was to create a future that would reduce carbon footprints and promote healthier modes of travel for all local people.