Long-Covid sufferers label NHS mental health service a 'lifeline'

The service has been described as a 'lifeline' <i>(Image: NHS)</i>
The service has been described as a 'lifeline' (Image: NHS)

Two people from Bury have lauded an NHS mental health service for its instrumental role in their Long-Covid ordeal.

The praised service, operated by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, offers support for those grappling with complex Post-Covid issues, be it physical, emotional, or cognitive.

Since its launch in December 2021, it has assisted close to 500 people living with long-covid across Greater Manchester.

One such borough resident is Ashley Sewell, who contracted Covid in late 2021.

Ashley Sewell has had previous health struggles (Image: NHS)

Ashley's health struggled with a number of symptoms and his mental state took a hit as uncertainty about his condition loomed.

After being referred to the service in February 2023, he met with clinical psychologist Measha Nickson.

Ashley said: "Measha was a total breath of fresh air.

"She was so reassuring and motivated me to keep going."

In his sessions with Dr Nickson, Ashley learned to navigate his emotions and engaged with mindfulness techniques which were instrumental in lifting his spirits.

He said: "My mental health is now even better than it was before the pandemic.

"I cannot thank them enough."

Dr Nickson shed light on the ethos of the service, saying: "Our service was created to help people adapt around their condition and reconnect with what matters to them."

Around the same time, Andrea Keeley, was grappling with Long-Covid after testing positive in March 2020.

The severity of her symptoms led to her enduring a panic attack, and her mental health worsened over time.

She too found respite with the post-Covid service.

Andrea underlined the importance of the service during her low point, she said: "Dr Nickson called me at the best possible time.

Andrea Keeley is grateful for the help she received (Image: NHS)

"She gave me hope that I was finally going to get some help and I honestly don’t know where I would be if I didn’t get that call when I did."

With Dr Nickson's support, Andrea navigated her emotions and learned mindfulness techniques.

Even though she still experiences physical symptoms, Andrea is enjoying a better life by employing the tools and techniques she learned through the service.

She added: "They have been my lifeline.

"I’ve now left the service, but the service has never left me."

For those in Bury and surrounding areas needing help, the service can be accessed through a referral from a GP or health professional.

Further details can be found on the trust's website.