Loose Women's Denise Welch risks ITV 'rule break' during angry on air rant

Loose Women's Denise Welch
Loose Women's Denise Welch -Credit:ITV

Denise Welch came close to breaking a major daytime TV role on Monday's Loose Women, stopping herself from swearing midway through an angry rant.

As ITV overhauled its schedule for the Bank Holiday, with the likes of Tipping Point, Riddiculous and Lingo all cancelled to make way for a Jurassic Park film, Loose Women escaped the chop and ended up being extended for half an hour, running for 90 minutes instead of its usual hour.

Denise joined co-stars Coleen Nolan, Brenda Edwards and Gloria Hunniford for the bumper edition, with the first topic on the agenda being the weather, after Bank Holiday brought a real mixed back of conditions, with people in parts of the UK seeing their plans blighted by heavy downpours.

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It was broadcasting icon Gloria who spoke first on the mater, saying that the warm and bright weather always made her feel better, before Denise pre-empted what was about to come as she joked: "I never rant about anything," before doing just that as she continued: "I can't stand the weather in this country and the thing is, there used to be a time when I used thing the only thing wrong with this country is the weather, everything else is great.

"Now, everything is wrong with this country AND the weather is wrong with this country, so we're running out of reasons to stay here."

Resisting the urge to turn the air blue by swearing, Denise then added: "Do you know the people who get on my nerves as well? Is that when you've had....I need to swear for this thing! When you've had the pooiest weather for the whole year and people go 'Aww but come on we had that lovely week in April.' A week in April! It's November and we've just had poo weather all the time!"