The perfect pre-wedding three month workout plan

Prince Harry, pictured here in 2015, was seen visiting the gym after the announcement of his engagement to Megan Markle in November 2017 - AFP
Prince Harry, pictured here in 2015, was seen visiting the gym after the announcement of his engagement to Megan Markle in November 2017 - AFP

There's nothing like seeing a couple who feel confident in their own skin. And that's exactly how Prince Harry and Megan Markle appeared, when announcing their engagement to the world in front of a sea of fluttering camera lenses last year. 

Inevitably, they'll be under pressure to be just as relaxed and photogenic on their wedding day. It's a stress almost all bride and grooms experience, being photographed and peeked at from all angles of the room. Deal with the attention well and they will instantly put the rest of the congregation at ease. Deal with it badly and... well, it doesn't bear thinking about.

For that reason, Harry was sensible to be hitting the gym ahead of the ceremony. A wedding fitness plan can help brides-and-grooms-to-be enjoy a feeling of confidence and a sense of body positivity.

I'm not saying you want to be stick thin on the day itself – that's 100pc not the goal here – just that you feel happy and at ease in your own skin come the big day. 

You would be amazed the difference correcting your posture can make to your overall appearance

Scott Laidler

So, how should the soon-to-be married get in shape?

There's a lot out there already on this subject already. Have a Google: you'll find reams of articles that purport to be '14 day wedding fitness plans’ and will have tips like ‘on day one, have a healthy snack’ or ‘on day six, get planking – it will tone your stomach’ well. Wishful thinking, I'm afraid.

Getting in shape is a lifestyle decision that will impact many facets of your life over a period of months and years – which is why Harry is doing the right thing by hitting the gym ahead of the ceremony itself. Swapping the Jaffa cakes out for some almond nuts at 11am a day is a good start, but it's not going to make a difference on its own. And certainly not if you've only done it for two weeks.

My background as a personal trainer is in rapid body transformation. I work on Hollywood film productions, and with online clients all over the world. The same principles we use in those scenarios apply here. We need a wedding fitness plan with the same level of detail – and that means stress reduction plans as much as it does sweaty physical exercise regimes. What it doesn't mean is ...

  1. Extreme dieting. I've seen some crazy extreme weight loss diets that are pushed on brides-to-be, often with a caloric intake of less than 1,000 per day. The result is extreme water and muscle loss, which leads to feeling awful in the run up to your wedding and looking drawn and feeling depleted on the day. Don't do it!

  2. Focusing purely on isolation exercises. Much of the advice you’ll see on workout plans is to focus on the muscles that’ll be visible – for men, that tends to mean a bulky upper body, and for women, toned triceps and shoulders. Those things are important – but you’ll have a really hard time firing up your metabolism and shifting fat while training only your triceps. Total body workouts are the order of the day.

  3. Starting too late. I would advise starting at least 12-13 weeks ahead of your big day. That’ll give you enough time to plan your regime and not have to do anything extreme to get where you want to be. 

Get in shape for your big day - Credit: Getty
Get in shape for your big day Credit: Getty

Getting Started

The length and difficulty of your journey is going to vary depending on how much weight/fat you feel like you need to lose, your schedule and recent exercise conditioning. So, the first thing to do is understand where you are in relation to your destination at the very beginning.

Have a look  in the mirror and stand on the bathroom scales. To give you a sense of reasonable expectations, here are some examples to factor in:

Rate of weight loss per week

Aim for 1-1.5lb per week. 2lb and above is possible but would generally require calorie deficits that I do not recommend. Assuming you're starting early like Harry, you don't need to get that extreme.

Rate of muscle gain per week

It's fair to aim for an extra 0.25-0.50lb per week, depending on your conditioning. This will roughly translate to a visual difference in 6-8 weeks. 

Another aspect – often overlooked as part of a body transformation program and never more relevant than in wedding prep – is posture.

You would be amazed the difference correcting your posture can make to your overall appearance in terms of athleticism, youth, and attractiveness. Book in a training with a Pilates instructor or physiotherapist, who will be able to assess the way you stand and prescribe some corrective exercises. The great benefit is that you’ll keep your improved posture way beyond your wedding day! 

The principles of your fitness plan 

Eating the right numbers

If weight loss is your goal, then you want to maintain a small calorie deficit until your wedding day (hen and stag weekends get a hall pas). I recommend a -20pc deficit on your resting days and a -10pc deficit on your training days. Conversely, if you are seeking to slowly gain muscle, I would opt for a normal intake on your resting days and a +10% surplus on your training days. 

You’ll want your meals to consist of moderate to high protein, moderate fat and moderate carbohydrate levels. Without getting too deep into the woods, its always a good idea to consume a lower amount of carbs on your resting days than your training days. Think of it like petrol in a car: you simply need more to do a longer journey. 

Consume a non-inflammatory diet

Whether or not you feel as if you have food allergies, on a plan like this I would suggest that you work with a non-inflammatory diet. This means dropping as much dairy, gluten, processed meats, trans fats, preservatives and additives as possible. They'll all aggravate your system and make it harder to reach your goal.

Low intensity cardio is your friend

Alongside your actual training, get as much of this as you can (aim for a heart rate of between 105 and 120 beats per minute). Just walk whenever possible – to work, to the train, to the shops. It will help you burn additional body fat without burdening you with additional fatigue.

Phase One

Weeks 1 - 4: conditioning, habit forming 

Begin with light to moderate workouts that will help you condition your body to regular training and help you to establish the habits you’ll need to maintain consistency over the course of 12 weeks. This includes both your healthy meal planning and workouts. 

The aim of your training in this phase is to condition your body to work as a unit and establish the strength, endurance and fitness you’ll need to tackle the more challenging workouts of Phase Two.

Look to do bodyweight training circuits, light intervals and moderate resistance training. 

An example week may look like this: 

  • Monday - Bodyweight Workout

  • Tuesday - Walking

  • Wednesday - Short cardio intervals

  • Thursday - Light resistance training

  • Friday - Walking

  • Saturday - Rest

  • Sunday - Bodyweight Workout 

Phase Two

Weeks 5 - 8: metabolism building, fat loss

Time to turn up the intensity. Keep your meal plan the same while ramping up your regime to focus a little more on resistance training and high intensity cardio. These will give your metabolism a big kick, hence making your body burn more calories.

A typical week:

  • Monday - Lower body resistance training

  • Tuesday - Walking 

  • Wednesday - Tabata circuits 

  • Thursday - Walking 

  • Friday - Upper body circuits 

  • Saturday - Escalating density circuits 

  • Sunday - Rest

Phase Three

Weeks 9 - 11: refinement, intensive posture fix, stress relief

OK, you've been hard at it for nine weeks and you've started to see results. Now is not the time to let up (sorry). Keep going with the training, while adding additional time to fix a couple of remaining problems. Starting with posture.

I'm introducing posture quite late into the program because, for many people, the most urgent efforts are going to be focused on weight loss.

Hopefully you're seeing the fruits of that labour now, so you have the peace of mind to focus on the details and can introduce the postural advice that you acquired at the beginning of the training program. 

You also need to think about your stress levels. It might be that your wedding is now only a few weeks away – and it's a very stressful time. A simple daily 10 minute meditation can really help here (combine it with a yoga session if you're lagging a little behind your weight loss goal). 

Week 12 - 13: final touches

One to two weeks before the big day itself, you should have achieved quite a remarkable transformation. Now is the time to taper your efforts and focus your energy on other things – such as your wedding!

Just make sure you keep drinking water during this period – and go easy on the salt intake (which will help you avoid dress-splitting water retention). You might also consider a lymphatic drainage massage – I've known clients to lose as much as 7lbs of water weight this way, although it doesn't work for everyone.

Scott Laidler is a personal trainer and personal development coach based in London. Contact Scott at for personal training and online fitness coaching