Lush Life for Zara Larsson fans at the Isle of Wight Festival

Zara Larsson at the Isle of Wight Festival <i>(Image: Paul Blackley/ IWCP)</i>
Zara Larsson at the Isle of Wight Festival (Image: Paul Blackley/ IWCP)

The huge crowd jumped and sang for their lives when Zara Larsson hit the stage on Sunday, and the Isle of Wight Festival.

She played hit after hit and got the crowd singing and dancing with her, throughout her set.

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Her back catalogue includes the hits Lush Life, Ain't My Fault, Symphony, and Never Forget You.

It was an energetic performance, with Larsson's long hair performing virtual acrobatics of its own!

Zara Larsson is a Swedish singer and songwriter who first rose to prominence in 2008 after winning the second season of Talang, the Swedish version of Britain's Got Talent.