Madeleine McCann's parents pay sweet tribute to missing daughter on 21st birthday

UNSPECIFIED - UNDATED: In this handout photo, relased September 16, 2007 missing child Madeleine McCann smiles. The McCann family have returned from Portugal after local police questioned them on the disappearance of daughter Madeleine, who vanished from their hoiliday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3, 2007. Portugal's public prosecutor is reviewing police papers detailing the Madeleine McCann inquiry. (Photo by Handout/Getty Images)
Missing Madeleine McCann
Madeleince McCann disappeared on a family holiday in Portugal -Credit:Getty Images

Madeleine McCann's parents have shared a poignant tribute to their daughter on what would have been her 21st birthday. The couple shared a message saying that they are "still looking" for her.

The heartfelt words were posted on the official Find Maddie Campaign Facebook page this Sunday, May 12. The post reads: "Happy 21st birthday Madeleine. Still missing, still missed, still looking."

Accompanying the touching tribute was a photo of a young Madeleine, donning a white sun hat and pink dress, smiling brightly.

The post has since garnered a wave of support, with hundreds commenting to express their continued hope and well-wishes for the McCann family. One person commented: "This brought tears to my eyes. What a nightmare. I think we've all probably be thinking and praying a little more for Maddie and her family today."

Another shared: "Happy 21st Maddie. I always wish for answers for your family."

And a third added: "Happy birthday, sweet girl. We haven't forgotten, we never will."

Madeleine's disappearance, which occurred during a family holiday in the Algarve, has left a void for 17 years, having last been sighted on May 3, 2007. Her parents expressed their sentiments on a social media post on the anniversary of her disappearance, saying: "Whilst we are fortunate in many ways and able to live a relatively normal and enjoyable life now, the 'living in limbo' is still very unsettling. And the absence still aches."

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