Man pretended to be taxi driver before abducting and raping woman in Glasgow barber shop

A man who pretended to be a taxi driver before abducting and raping a woman in a barber shop has been jailed for six years.

Barzan Nawshowani, 38, posed as a taximan to pick up his victim and her friend after a night out in Glasgow city centre in August 2022.

After dropping off one of the women in Govan, Nawshowani returned to Duke Street in the east end of the city and took his victim into the barber shop where he worked.

Once inside, he closed the electric shutters to prevent her from leaving and switched off the CCTV before raping her.

Nawshowani was convicted of abduction and rape at the High Court in Glasgow earlier this month and returned for sentencing on Monday.

'You continue to deny any responsibility'

Judge Lord Colbeck said the woman suffered "psychological harm" as a result of the attack.

He stated: "You did not know your victim. She believed you to be a taxi driver."

The judge added: "You continue to deny any responsibility for the offence of which you have been convicted, maintaining that sex was consensual.

"In assessing your culpability, I have regard to the fact that there was clearly a significant degree of planning on your part and you were convicted of abducting your victim.

"In terms of assessing harm, I have regard to the psychological harm suffered by your victim, as harrowingly demonstrated by her victim impact statement."

The court heard Nawshowani had two previous convictions for road traffic and bail offences.

Lord Colbeck said: "In terms of the aggravating factors present in this case, I disregard your record of previous convictions to which I have referred - those convictions being non-analogous.

"I do, however, have regard to the fact that you targeted someone who was vulnerable at the time of the offence - that through her consumption of alcohol; and to the fact that, by your own admission, you turned off the CCTV equipment within the shop - thus concealing evidence."

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Nawshowani was assessed as posing a moderate risk of reconviction.

Lord Colbeck stated: "You accept no responsibility for the offence you have been convicted of and, in effect, blame your victim, accusing her of lying about what happened.

"You show no insight into your offending behaviour and the considerable impact this is likely to have had upon your victim."

As well as the six-year jail term, Nawshowani was also placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely.

Lord Colbeck said: "Having considered carefully the circumstances of this case, I am satisfied that there is no other method of dealing with you other than by the imposition of a lengthy custodial sentence."

'What he did was deplorable'

Detective Chief Inspector Iain Nelson said Nawshowani took advantage of a woman who "trusted him to make sure she got home safely".

The Police Scotland officer added: "He totally abused that trust and what he did was deplorable.

"I would like to praise the woman for coming forward to police. Her courage and testimony are what had him convicted, and also importantly, it made sure he is no longer a risk to other woman at this time."