Man in Scream mask terrified Glasgow shopkeeper with kitchen knife in botched robbery

A man wearing a Scream mask tried to rob a convenience store while armed with a knife.

Jake Boyden, 23, terrified shopkeeper Chloe Logan at One O One in Glasgow's Castlemilk on October 3 2023.

Boyden was initially spotted outside the store with the mask from the 1996 horror film. He went on to run inside the premises, told Miss Logan to open up the till and demanded money.

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The victim was unable to open the till and pressed a panic button which caused Boyden to flee the scene.

Police later traced Boyden home where the mask and the knife were recovered.

First offender Boyden pled guilty today at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assault with intent to rob.

Jake Boyden attempted to rob a convenience store in Castlemilk at knifepoint.
Jake Boyden attempted to rob a convenience store in Castlemilk at knifepoint. -Credit:Spindrift

The court heard that Boyden lingered near of the shop around 12.45pm. He was seen to drop a kitchen knife before he picked it up and concealed it.

Prosecutor Alasdair Knox said: "He removed a Scream style mask he had concealed in his jacket pocket and placed it on his head before removing it.

"He carried out this action several times while walking to the shop."

Boyden then entered the store with the blade on show and walked up to the counter.

He said: "Open the till, give me the money."

Mr Knox added: "Miss Logan was terrified as she didn't know how to open the till. Boyden then demanded the money and Miss Logan shouted for help.

"She activated the panic alarm and Boyden went back out towards Dougrie Drive."

Police attended and viewed CCTV of the incident and traced Boyden to his home nearby. He was identified as was the mask and knife used in the incident.

Sheriff Paul Reid asked Mr Knox if the mask was on during the commission of the offence.

The Ghostface mask from Scream was used in an attempted robbery in Castlemilk.
The Ghostface mask from Scream was used in an attempted robbery in Castlemilk. -Credit:Getty Images

He replied: "Yes, he entered the shop while wearing the mask."

Sentence was deferred pending background reports until next month.

The sheriff said: "I will allow bail to continue for the moment - don't misunderstand that this was appalling behaviour and all options remain open."

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