Man shatters bus window after 'disturbance' in Boscombe

A man was seen causing a disturbance in the centre of Boscombe when he was stopped by officers on the street. <i>(Image: Morebus)</i>
A man was seen causing a disturbance in the centre of Boscombe when he was stopped by officers on the street. (Image: Morebus)

POLICE are investigating after a criminal incident on a Bournemouth bus.

A man was seen causing a disturbance in Christchurch Road, Boscombe, when he was stopped by officers on the street on Thursday, June 28.

The man continued to cause an issue and ended up shattering the door of a Morebus vehicle.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: “At 3.45pm on Thursday 28 June 2024, we received a report of a man causing a disturbance in Christchurch Road in Bournemouth.

“Officers attended and a man was identified, his details taken and he was given words of advice.

“We then received a further report that a man had punched the door of a bus, causing damage.

“Officers are currently investigating this matter and no arrests have been made.”

Richard Wade, Morebus general manager, said “There was an incident yesterday afternoon in Boscombe, when a pedestrian caused some damage to our bus.

"This has been reported to the police, and they are dealing with the matter.”