Man taken to hospital after coastguard rescue at Pembrokeshire beauty spot

Coastguard teams from St Davids and Fishguard attended to the injured person.. <i>(Image: HM Coastguard Fishguard)</i>
Coastguard teams from St Davids and Fishguard attended to the injured person.. (Image: HM Coastguard Fishguard)

A coasteerer was taken to hospital yesterday afternoon (Sunday, June 23) after being injured at a popular Pembrokeshire location for the sport.

Coastguard teams from Fishguard and St Davids were called to the Blue Lagoon at Abereiddy to attend to the coasteerer, who had suffered a lower back injury.

The casualty had been bought ashore on a paddleboard by a coasteering company and coastguards assessed the person's injuries before transferring them to a stretcher to be carried up off the beach to the car park.

Coastguards and an ambulance at the scene yesterday. (Image: HM Coastguard Fishguard) In a Facebook post, HM Coastguard Fishguard said: “RNLI St Davids Lifeboat was tasked to attend the scene with pain relief until the arrival of Welsh Ambulance Services University NHS Trust.

"Once the ambulance was on scene, the casualty was handed over for treatment and to hospital."

A spokesperson for St Davids RNLI said that the station's inshore lifeboat had been asked to provide pain relief because an ambulance was not immediately available to attend.

They said: "Inshore lifeboat Marian and Alan Clayton launched into sea fog at 5.35pm. Our crew assessed the casualty and administered Entinox until paramedics' arrival at 8pm.

"With no further requirement for lifeboat assistance, our volunteer crew returned to station and rehoused ready for service by 9pm."