Man Turns Up To Dealership To Buy Car With 500kg Of Banknotes


In the age of contactless payment, ‘digital wallets’ and online banking, it seems old-fashioned hard currency has fallen out of fashion.

If that’s true, no one told this guy – who turned up to a car dealership with a half a tonne of loose banknotes.

Bringing a new meaning to deep pockets, the man frustrated the life out of cashiers in China by paying for a 80,000 RMB (£8,378) car with notes of between one RMB (10p) and 10 RMB cents (1p).


The notes are worth between 1p and 10p (CEN)

The businessman was nearly turned away by staff at the showroom, but the salespeople couldn’t say no to the money in the end.

According to Gu Liyuan, the sales manager of the dealership in Zhangjiang City, in South China’s Guangdong Province, the client – identified by his surname Cai – turned up to buy a car with cash in boxes.

Reports did not say what sort of business Cai ran, but he somehow managed to amass 80,000 RMB from only the smallest denominations in Chinese currency.


The notes weighed half a tonne (CEN)

Gu told reporters: “I had never seen so much money in my life”, adding that the entire dealership “smelt like money” after Cai dragged in his half-tonne deposit.

Reports did not say how long it took Gu and his staff to count the money.

This is not the first time in China someone has purchased a costly item with loose change.

Last November a Chinese public transport operator bought an entire home with 50 cent RMB (5p) notes collected from her job.

(Credit: CEN)