This Is How Many Days It Takes To Heal From Heartbreak

Ooof – there’s no pain quite like heartbreak. Our main concern? How the hell to get through it as quickly as possible.

No, seriously – a whopping 49,500 people across the globe are searching Google for ‘how to get over a breakup’ every single month. That’s a lot of broken hearts.

Time is truly the greatest healer (I know, we’re sick of hearing that too, but it’s true) and according to one relationship expert, there’s a key number of days to get through in order to beat heartbreak.

Psychotherapist Rachel Wright specialises in relationships, mental health and sex and has partnered with Lovehoney’s Australian team to help share tips on how to keep your ex firmly in the past.

The minimum number of days you need to let pass? 60.

Wright explains: “I recommend taking 60 days after your break-up and not talking to or seeing each other. Then, after you’ve gone through the grief and processed the shift in your relationship, you can decide with a much clearer head what you actually want - and your ex-partner can do the same.”

But how do we start healing in that seemingly endless stretch of 60 days?

According to certified dating and relationship expert Callisto Adams PhD, completely stepping away from the situation and being realistic about what has happened is the best way to move forward. She says:

“Catch yourself when you put your ex on a pedestal and when you only think of the good times.

“After a break-up, we tend to focus more on the good times and over-romanticise them to the point where we want them back. When you catch yourself doing that, think of the reason you broke up, and understand that this can be very beneficial to you and your growth.

“Hang out with people who care about you. They’re a good reminder of how you’re treated by people who love you and who care about your wellbeing.”
