Use our map to see how much compensation could be paid to WASPI women in Cambridgeshire

Women Against State Pension Injustice (WASPI) Silent Rally At Emmeline Pankhurst statue in St Peter's Square in Manchester
Women Against State Pension Injustice (WASPI) Silent Rally At Emmeline Pankhurst statue in St Peter's Square in Manchester -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Nearly 50,000 WASPI women in Cambridgeshire are still waiting to find out if they will ever get compensation. Our map shows how many are affected in each part of the county.

The Government has not yet said if any compensation will be paid to millions of women born in the 1950s who claim they were not properly informed about the rise in the state pension age. The Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) campaign group has called this an 'injustice' that meant many delayed retirement plans without warning.

An ombudsman has recommended that affected women born in the 1950s receive an apology and compensation of between £1,000 and £2,950. But this week Mel Stride, the Work and Pensions Secretary, repeatedly refused to say if a decision would be made before the general election.

Pressed by Ed Balls on Good Morning Britain on what happens next, Mr Stride said there were "strong feelings" for and against awarding compensation.

He said: "There'll be no undue delay in us coming forward, but I do want to have sufficient time. There are very strong feelings about this on all sides of the argument as to whether compensation should be paid or not."

And Mr Stride told the Today programme: "I'm not going to put a precise time limit on it, but we do need to look at these things very carefully. I think I owe it to everybody to really make sure that the guiding light in this process is that it is thorough, and that it is conclusive because it has gone on for an awfully long time."

While the wait for compensation drags on, campaigners say a WASPI woman dies every 13 minutes. Research from the House of Commons Library estimates that 45,450 Cambridgeshire women were affected by the scandal, which left them without enough time to adjust their savings plans.

If the ombudsman's recommendations are accepted, total compensation payouts of between £45.5 and £134.1 million would be made to women in the county. The overall bill to the taxpayer to compensate 3.6 million WASPI women across the UK could be between £3.6 and £10.8 billion.

North East Cambridgeshire has the highest number of WASPI women residents in the county, with an estimated 7,520 living in that constituency. They could ultimately receive a share of between £7.5m and £22.2m in compensation.

You can see how many WASPI women live near you and how much they could receive in compensation with the interactive map below.