Maps show when and where 'pollen bomb' will sweep UK as warnings issued to hay fever sufferers

Hay fever is a reaction to pollen (Alamy/PA)
-Credit: (Image: Alamy/PA)

Hay fever sufferers are being warned of very high pollen levels set to hit the UK this week. According to the Met Office, pollen counts are rising.

They are likely to peak on Thursday, June 20, with most of England seeing a very high pollen count. Just the north east of England is expected to escape the very high levels of pollen.

But the region is still predicted to have a high pollen count according to the Met Office’s monitoring network. There is also a high count on Thursday for Northern Ireland while the level is expected to be moderate in Scotland.

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The count builds through the week, with moderate to very high pollen counts seen across the country in the coming days, Mirror reports. Pollen is made up of tiny particles which are released by plants and trees as part of their reproductive cycle.

It is an extremely fine powder and is spread by insects and the wind. Pollen can cause irritation and inflammation in people who are allergic to it.

It can be inhaled by humans and animals. For people who areallergic, pollen triggers the antibody immunoglobulin E, which creates mucus and leads to symptoms such as congestion and sneezing.

Hay fever is the most common name for pollen allergy and is most commonly caused by grass pollens - but other pollens can also trigger symptoms. Symptoms are caused when the immune system reacts to pollen in the body to produce histamine and other chemicals.

About two in every ten people have a pollen allergy, with more than 10 million people in Britain suffering from hay fever. You are more likely to suffer from hay fever if you have a family history of allergies or if you suffer from asthma or eczema.

Most people develop hay fever in childhood or when they are a teenager - although it can be triggered at any age. Many people can grow out of the condition and suffer less from the symptoms as an adult.

Met Office forecaster Honor Criswick said: "The good news is that there is some dry weather on its way, may even start to see some sunshine too however still plenty of showers on the cards."