Masked robbery close to York city centre

A Robbery has taken place just outside York city centre close to Foss Island Road in York at about 1pm on Wednesday, June 19 <i>(Image: County Press)</i>
A Robbery has taken place just outside York city centre close to Foss Island Road in York at about 1pm on Wednesday, June 19 (Image: County Press)

A ROBBERY has taken place just outside York city centre.

North Yorkshire Police say it happened close to Foss Island Road in York at about 1pm on Wednesday, June 19, and they are appealing for information about two suspects.

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A police spokesman said: "The first suspect was on a black Carrera bike with royal blue ‘Carrera’ written up the frame. He is a white man, approximately 5ft 10 tall, in his late 20s or early 30s.

"He has dark coloured eyes, of average build, and has mousey brown hair. He was wearing a black face mask that covered the lower half of his head. He was wearing a black tracksuit with a small logo with an unidentified brand label on it, a navy-blue baseball cap, Nike trainers and Nike gloves.

"The second suspect was on a black Carrera bike with orange ‘Carrera’ written up the frame. He is a white man, approximately 6ft 1 tall, in his late 20s or early 30s. He was wearing a black face mask, a dark grey beanie hat, and white tracksuit bottoms.

"Please email if you were in the area of Foss Island between 11am and 1pm on Wednesday, June 19, and you saw anyone matching these descriptions. Or, if you have any other information that could help our investigation, please also get in touch."

Alternatively, you can call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for Ben Milderrig, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their website.

Please quote reference 12240108208 when passing on information.