Massage parlour in Ashby High Street refused, amid 'brothel' allegations

Ashby High Street, where an application for a massage parlour has caused an uproar
Ashby High Street, where an application for a massage parlour has caused an uproar -Credit:Google Streetview

An application for a massage parlour in Ashby High Street has been refused, amid multiple claims it is a brothel.

North Lincolnshire Council's planning committee decided on the application for change of use of residence into a Class E, massage and wellbeing clinic, along with retrospective permission for fencing changes. Planning officers had recommended approval.

It was called in by the council leader and a ward councillor because of the allegations. Ashby Central Ward Cllr Andrea Davison detailed the contents of the massage parlour's website to evidence her claim, "It is absolutely a brothel."

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A planning officer stated at the meeting a late representation had been made by the agent on behalf of the applicant, Serenity Massage. "This set out that they believe no illegal activity is occurring on site."

An application document contends it "will contribute to the vitality and viability of the local parade". It also states it would offer similar services to other local massage providers.

Cllr Davison claimed it was a brothel, as have objectors on the application, which has also had supportive comments. She had checked its website before the meeting.

"There was only one picture I could actually print out to show you," she said in the meeting, showing a photo of a double bed. The rest of the website's pictures included photos of "near naked girls with see-through underwear".

There are absolutely no male masseurs, Cllr Davison noted, and drew attention to descriptions of the masseurs. One, she claimed, was described on the website as knowing "how to bring out the beast in you". "I mean, that's not going to help with a trapped nerve in your neck, is it?" said Cllr Davison.

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"I just find it quite ludicrous, to be honest, that we are allowing illegal activities in a residential area," she claimed. Cllr Davison half-seriously suggested a site visit. "Why not do a site visit, and you'd see for yourselves that these rooms are not set up for sports massage."

The ward councillor's speech followed resident Rachel Colecchia's concerns about the business's nature. Ms Colecchia did not call it a brothel, but did reference the website's contents. "I was born in Ashby, I go to Ashby facilities. I just don't think this is the type of thing that we want in Ashby."

A letter was read out on behalf of Scunthorpe's MP, Holly Mumby-Croft. She morally and socially objected, having had the application raised by concerned residents. "Members of the committee will know that Ashby High Street is frequented by young children and families on a daily basis," her letter stated.

North Lincolnshire Council leader, Cllr Rob Waltham, also spoke. "In simple terms, this is a residential area, a high street that's well respected, this isn't an appropriate siting." He said it was "quite a state to be in, to have a website like that, actively marketing people and not a service, which I think is thoroughly distasteful".

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"I think the pictures of the facilities on the website sort of almost tell you what it is," said Cllr John Davison, committee member. "It certainly does not look like a proper massage place, with proper massage tables."

He felt it could be refused now, and gave parking and amenity reasons for refusal. Cllr Carol Ross seconded, adding: "I would absolutely refuse to attend a site visit, personally."

Ward Cllr Mick Grant said he had lived in Ashby 70 years. "Ashby High Street is better than what Scunthorpe High Street is, far better."

He said the outer changes would make no difference to Ashby High Street, the only difference it will make is misinformation. "If you do see anything, go to the police," he urged. It was a shopping, not residential area, and Cllr Grant predicted it would be allowed through if taken to appeal.

"I don't think it will be controversial to say that this site has been an open secret for a number of months now," Cllr Max Bell said, agreeing to refuse. Cllr Darryl Southern joined Cllr Grant in opposing refusal of the application.

He said if it was a brothel, it was a policing matter and not for planning consideration. It was still refused, five votes to two.