Meet the daredevil dog who loves riding on its owner's back - while he skateboards around the skate park

Meet the daredevil dog who loves riding on its owner's back - while he skateboards around the skate park.

Archie St Aubyn, 24, lets daredevil pup Max jump up and cling on to his shoulders while he skates.

Impressive videos show the fearless dog completely at ease as they navigate the skate ramps - which is apparently Max's "favourite thing to do".

Filmed by friend and fellow skateboarder Matt Roissetter, 22, Max enjoys the ride - which comes as no surprise as bicycle mechanic Archie.

He said Max is "frightened by nothing".

Archie said: "Max always comes with me when we go to the skate park - and I always do a few laps with him on my back

"He loves it - he isn't scared by anything at all!

"He goes everywhere I go - I even carry him in a rucksack on my back when I go on long cycle rides.

"I've had him since he was months old, now he's three, and he is quite literally my best friend."

It was filmed in Acton, west London, on March 16.