Meet Milly the shepherdess who introduced her sheep to 250 visitors

Milly Collins and her flock of sheep <i>(Image: Contributed)</i>
Milly Collins and her flock of sheep (Image: Contributed)

Milly Collins leads an unusual life for a 21 year old.

She's chosen to become a first generation shepherdess, and started with a flock in 2021, beginning with two ewes and one ram.

Three years on, she now has more than 70 sheep including a new ram she is particularly proud of.

Not only has her flock grown, she is now offering public visits including birthday parties, farm talks and walks, educational visits, care home visits and more.

Shepherdess Milly Collins (Image: Contributed)

She's taken shepherdessing into the modern digital world and has a Facebook page called Millysfarmjollyjacobs and an Instagram page of the same name.

Milly's Jolly Jacobs can be seen at the Chale Show and Royal IW County Show this year too.

On June 9 she held her first Open Farm Sunday and welcomed 250 people through the gates.

The day was part of a national event organised through the LEAF organisation.

Milly Collins with her sheep (Image: Contributed)

Milly said: "I was so pleased to take part it. It was an amazing day shared with all those that attended.

"I can't thank everyone enough for their support and we managed to raise £170 for Alzheimer Cafes on the Isle of Wight through a raffle, which so many business supported through giving prizes."

Milly spoke to the County Press about her career.

She said: "Everyone sees my job as hard work, always being busy.

"Actually it’s more than that - as much as it is hard work and can be extremely stressful and heartbreaking it’s the most rewarding job you can have.

"But it’s not just a job to me, it’s a lifestyle.

"I hope to have my own farm eventually and keep building my flock and start introducing some different breeds, but also look within the next five years to start having cattle and reaching out into all different areas in farming."

Milly Collins at her recent farm open day (Image: Contributed)

Milly is based near Alverstone.

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