Meeting Harry Styles in KFC and working with Michael Caine: Readers share celeb meets

Meeting Harry Styles in KFC and working with Michael Caine: Readers share celeb meets <i>(Image: PA Images)</i>
Meeting Harry Styles in KFC and working with Michael Caine: Readers share celeb meets (Image: PA Images)

Our readers have been sharing their meetings with various celebrities – with encounters including a range of personalities from James Arthur to the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Richard Ellis Hawley has had quite an impressive selection of celebrity encounters, including members of the royal family, Dynamo, Tony Blair, and even beloved TV personalities Ricky Tomlinson and Barbara Knox.

(Image: PA Images)

Fellow reader Lisa McDonnell shared a brief encounter with Formula One legend Michael Schumacher.

(Image: PA Images)

Fiona Davies described local musician James Arthur as a "humble, grounded guy" marking a memorable experience with his down-to-earth attitude.

Readers Stewart Harry Waugh and Gill Clark also had unforgettable encounters with the late Queen Elizabeth II.

(Image: PA Images)

Sean Hadland shared that she worked with legendary actor Sir Michael Caine and said "I have shared a workspace with Alfred Pennyworth!"

(Image: PA Images)

Some readers like Jan Edwards, remember their encounters because they were a bit accident-prone – quite literally.

In the 1970s, she accidentally tripped up comedian Charlie Williams at Bridlington Spa.

In response to her profuse apologies, he said: "Don't worry me old flower, I'm allreet."

Lynn Emery said "Harry styles when in one direction in KFC at motorway services" was her celebrity encounter moment.

(Image: PA Images)

While there were hilarious encounters like Jan's and Lynn's, certain celebrity meetings are cherished because of their personal significance.

For instance, Sue Harrison met Prince Philip while receiving her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award at Buckingham Palace, making the occasion unforgettable.

(Image: Newsquest)

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