Will Mellor undergoes eye surgery

Will Mellor has undergone surgery on his eyes.

The Mr Bates vs The Post Office star revealed in an Instagram video on Monday that he was undergoing lens replacement surgery to correct his deteriorating eyesight.

"Today is a big day for me," he told his followers. "I'm about to go in for lens replacement surgery. I've had bad eyes for all my life but since I hit forty my eyes just deteriorated rapidly. Now I need glasses for more or less everything."

Will, 47, explained that he opted for lens replacement surgery over a laser eye procedure because he has one short-sighted eye and one long-sighted one and the laser couldn't correct both.

Signing off the video, the Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps star admitted he was worried about the operation.

"(I'm) a bit nervous 'cause it's my eyes but yeah, I'm about to go for surgery so I'll let you know how I get on," he added.

The Coronation Street actor returned to Instagram hours later to give his fans an update with plastic shields covering his eyes.

"Well, I've just come out of surgery, looking very sexy as you can see," he joked. "A bit blurry at the moment, which is expected, but I'll keep you posted and let you know."