Mercer County Sheriff's Department Tax Office Giving Tree a success

Dec. 21—PRINCETON — Whos of Whoville, the Grinch and surprises were waiting Wednesday when conservators served by the Mercer County Sheriff's Department Tax Office were treated to a Christmas party courtesy of the new Giving Tree.

Employees at the Mercer County Courthouse and county taxpayers donated over $1,000 to the tax department's Giving Tree, said Sheriff's Tax Deputy Lori Barton. The idea was inspired by a Giving Tree set up in Fayette County's tax office.

The Mercer County Sheriff's Department works with the elderly and other people needing help managing their finances, Barton said when the Giving Tree project started in early Decembers. These people, called conservators, often have little money left once monthly expenses are paid.

Barton said the tax department contacted conservators' caregivers, families and others who knew about their needs.

This year, 19 people benefited from the Giving Tree, Barton said.

"The donations have over-exceeded," she added. "It has been wonderful."

Chief Deputy A.P. Christian said the tax office personnel came to him with the Giving Tree idea and he credited them for making it a success. Southern Highlands, the Bluefield Union Mission, the Concord University Women's Basketball Team and Child Protect of Mercer County along with Starting Points contributed to the Giving Tree.

The Grinch provided entertainment for the children attending the party Wednesday. Besides lunch, the recipients were also given a Christmas food box, Barton said.

"We will do it every year from now on," she said.

— Contact Greg Jordan at

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