Met Office and BBC Weather can't agree on London forecast this week and whether you'll need a jumper

Sunny parl
-Credit: (Image: Maremagnum/Getty)

As ever, the UK weather has been very unpredictable of late. So unpredictable in fact that weather forecasters themselves can't even agree whether it'll be sunny or not.

The Met Office thinks that this week will be an overcast misery while the BBC takes a much more optimistic view forecasting sunny warmth to descend upon the capital. But who do we believe?

Let's weigh them up against each other and see what they have to say. Both have pretty persuading evidence for their claims.

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Met Office

"Tourists huddle beneath British flag umbrellas (they sell them there) during a London summer rainstorm near the Houses of Parliament. A dark cloudy typical summer day!Westminster, LondonUK"
The Met Office seem to think it's cloudy jumper weather this week -Credit:oversnap/Getty

Lets start with the miserable Met Office to get it out of the way. This morning (Monday, June 3) actually looks to be quite nice, until 11am that is when grey clouds are meant to dominate the sky and block and beautiful rays from hitting London streets.

There will be highs of 20C and lows of 16C today which is not too bad, but the 'feels like' temperature is a couple of degrees colder. This is a feature of the Met Office's predictions against the BBC's which generally have similar temperatures but the Met Office says the feels like temperature is that teeny bit colder so a jumper could be in order.

Tuesday, June 4, brings another mostly cloudy day but with outbursts of sunshine from 9am to 2pm. There will be highs of 22C and lows of 11C but again the feels like temperature brings that down. Thankfully no rain is predicted.

Wednesday, June 5, is set for a sunny morning and then stubborn clouds are due to move back in by 1pm. It's due to be a bit colder on Wednesday however with highs of just 16C and lows of 10C with the feels like temperature being just 13C.

Thursday, June 6, looks to be even worse and is just meant to be cloudy all through the day with highs of 17C and lows of 11C. Definitely jumper weather here. Still thankfully none of these days are due for any rain.

On Friday, June 7, that changes, however. While there is meant to be breakthroughs of sunshine throughout the day there is also a 30 per cent chance of rain from 1pm until 4pm in a cruel twist of fate. Temperatures still rise from Thursday with highs of 18C and lows of 11C.

Thankfully there is no rain meant for Saturday, June 8, but no sun either beyond 10am. It will be the exact same temperature as on Friday with highs of 18C and lows of 11C.

To cap the week off there is due to be more of the same cloud on Sunday, June 9, the Met Office say. Highs of 18C and lows of 10C mean you'll still have to have that jumper ready to go on your bedroom chair. There is a bit of sun in the morning at 7am but this is soon wiped out by the never-ending cloud. No rain is forecast this day.

BBC Weather

A high level view overlooking Westminster Abbey. Major sights included in this view are Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Houses of Parliament, Shard, Canary Wharf and the Supreme Court.
For the more optimistic among us, and the BBC, this is what this week could look like -Credit:Doug Armand/Getty

Now we've got the depressing version of the week out of the way, let's talk more positively. While the first couple of days don't look too great this week, the BBC promise the rest will be sun, sun, sun.

Today is looking a bit ropey with sun in the morning until 10am but grey rainless cloud for the rest of the day. There are highs of 20C and lows of 14C - similar to the Met Office's predictions.

Tuesday is looking pretty dire too, but stay with us here. There is meant to be cloud all day with spats of rain at 10am and 12pm then again from 5pm until 7pm. There is a breakthrough of sun in the late evening from 8pm till 9pm and temperatures are a decent high of 21C and low of 11C.

Wednesday is the day it all turns around. Bright sunshine will wake us all up from 7am till 8am and then will keep shining the whole day, with the accompaniment of some clouds. Despite the sunnier weather, it does get a little colder with highs of 17C and lows of 8C. There is no rain, however.

Thursday keeps up the trend with a bright morning and then a combination of sun and cloud through the day. There is a zero per cent chance of rain all day and the temperatures are forecasted to be highs of 18C and lows of 9C.

Friday is mostly sun with spats of rain from 10am till 1pm. Brilliant uninterrupted sunshine will light up the evening however, shining down on all those standing outside pubs for after-work drinks, a great kicker for the weekend. Highs of 19C and lows of 9C.

Saturday is meant to be really nice with clear sunshine in the early morning and evening. During the day the sky will be dotted with clouds but not block the sun out. There is no rain meant to fall here with highs of 19C and lows of 9C.

Sunday does bring a fair risk of rain during the day but again is mostly sunny. It has highs of 19C and lows of 9C also.

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