Michael Kors, Sarah Burton, Andreas Kronthaler: Fashion royalty gathered for journalist Suzy Menkes' 80th

Guests including Michele Lamy, Stephen Webster, Andreas Kronthaler, Solange Azagury-Partridge, Michael Kors, Jasper Conran, Dame Zandra Rhodes, Laudomia Pucci, Christopher Kane, Simone Rocha and Stephen Jones attend Suzy Menkes' 80th Birthday Dinner with Don Julio 1942  (Dave Benett)
Guests including Michele Lamy, Stephen Webster, Andreas Kronthaler, Solange Azagury-Partridge, Michael Kors, Jasper Conran, Dame Zandra Rhodes, Laudomia Pucci, Christopher Kane, Simone Rocha and Stephen Jones attend Suzy Menkes' 80th Birthday Dinner with Don Julio 1942 (Dave Benett)

Fashion’s great and good — from powerhouse designers Michael Kors, Sarah Burton and Andreas Kronthaler to high profile figures Jasper Conran, Laudomia Pucci and Bella Freud — gathered at Dover Street Market to toast legendary fashion journalist Suzy Menkes’ 80th birthday. Her first job, at 24, was at the London Evening Standard.

“I started my career at the Evening Standard — that’s when I first met Anna [Wintour] when she was too scared to dance,” she said. “I’ve been lucky to have a front row seat — mind you I’ve deserved it — from my time there in my 20s, to Vogue in my 70s.”

Suzy Menkes and her likeness (Dave Benett)
Suzy Menkes and her likeness (Dave Benett)

In a career spanning almost six decades, Menkes has carved her place as an authority in fashion reporting. She became best known during her voracious 25 year tenure at The International Herald Tribune, which she left in 2014.

“I have written millions, maybe trillions, of words for public consumption, but only my family knows — I have written thousands more in my private and secret diaries,” Menkes revealed during her speech at the dinner, which saw tables decked with Don Julio 1942 tequila, and attendees entertained by a Disneyland-esque caricature of the writer — famous quiff included. “This is something I to look forward to [publishing]. Sometimes I had the urge to tell the unvarnished truth, and write really what I saw.”

Many designers present — London Fashion Week stalwarts included Christopher Kane, Simone Rocha, Gareth Pugh and Michael Halpern — scoffed at the notion that the writer, famously unafraid to tell it like it is, had ever been anything but. “Everybody in the room has been guided by Suzy,” said milliner Stephen Jones, as he delivered his speech. “Always in a positive way — but sometimes your reviews were to the point.”

Stephen Jones and Suzy Menkes (Dave Benett)
Stephen Jones and Suzy Menkes (Dave Benett)

Menkes’ unwavering dedication to journalism and the fashion industry cannot be understated. She confirmed that shall not wane now she is an octogenarian, saying “I will continue supporting creative people until I can’t write any more,” and looks forward to the international show circuit in January 2024. “I actually enjoy going to shows, which puts me in a rare group of journalists who mostly moan the whole time.” She left her sentiments on a touching key, professing to love fashion but her family more, before languishing in her standing ovation with warm bemusement.

As he left, Kors, who will fly back to New York today, told The Standard: “Not only is Suzy always there, but her curiosity just knows no bounds. We have had fashion shows where my ceilings have fallen on her, and it would never put a damper on her. She’s 80 years young.”

Inside Suzy Menkes' 80th birthday party:

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Michael Kors

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Gareth Pugh and Michele Lamy

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Sarah Burton

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Damian Samuels and Natasha Cowan

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Jasper Conran

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Christopher Kane

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Simone Rocha

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Andreas Kronthaler

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Dame Zandra Rhodes

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Virginia Bates

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Hamish Bowles

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Laudomia Pucci

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Julian Vogel

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Isabelle Harvie-Watt

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Michael Halpern

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Caroline Rush

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Lucien Pages

 (Dave Benett/Getty Images for Man)
(Dave Benett/Getty Images for Man)

Solange Azagury-Partridge

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Linda Loppa

 (Dave Benett)
(Dave Benett)

Bella Freud