Michelle Branch says performing her new songs will 'be like an emotional exorcism'

If Michelle Branch has been everywhere to you these days, it's probably from the news of her not-so-amicable split from her husband, Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney.

But the singer-songwriter is back with a new suite of songs to ward off any bad relationship juju. In an interview with Billboard published Tuesday, Branch touched on her personal drama of the last few weeks while discussing her upcoming fourth studio album, The Trouble With Fever, which was produced and recorded completely at home with Carney. Anticipating going out on tour to perform the new songs, Branch said it will "be like an emotional exorcism."

She added that focusing on the new album and tour has been "the best distraction ever. I think if I didn't have this record coming out, I would probably be in bed crying all day."

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

Rick Kern/WireImage Michelle Branch

Branch, 39, made headlines last month when she tweeted and deleted a note accusing Carney, 42, of cheating on her while she was home with their 6-month-old baby. She then announced that she and Carey were separating after three years of marriage, saying in a statement to PEOPLE, "To say that I am totally devastated doesn't even come close to describing how I feel for myself and for my family. The rug has been completely pulled from underneath me and now I must figure out how to move forward."

That same day, Branch was arrested after admittedly slapping Carney during a marital dispute, according to a police report. Branch subsequently filed for divorce, and the domestic assault case was dismissed two weeks later at the request of the state.

Speaking to Billboard about her recent turmoil, Branch indicated that it could provide fodder for future work. "I have a lot of s--- I want to write about now," she said. But while things may have turned sour with Carney, she still looks back fondly on recording The Trouble With Fever, calling it "really a special time for me."

That said, Branch is also excited to, well, branch out, having spent so much time isolated during the pandemic in "mom mode" and "wife mode."

"I'm looking forward to standing on my own two feet and reconnecting with myself, as cheesy as that sounds," she said. "I've been in mom mode, I've been in wife mode. I haven't been in Michelle Branch mode for a while. And I feel like that's gonna be really healing, and cathartic, and fun."

The Trouble With Fever will be released Sept. 16.

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