How Middlesbrough group the Twe12th Man helped raise over £1,000 for the Foodbank

Popular Middlesbrough supporters group the Twe12th Man have raised over £1,000 for the Middlesbrough Foodbank by raffling off a signed Carling Cup anniversary shirt and programme.

The fans group, who publish a popular weekly Boro podcast and are also members of the Middlesbrough Supporters Forum who have recently played a huge part in communications with Steve Gibson that led to helpful changes to the season-card process, spent two weeks fundraising for the Foodbank, who provide essential help for many families across Teesside.

They raised the money by raffling off a signed Carling Cup anniversary shirt and programme - the special edition of which was written for February's 20th anniversary by former Gazette Boro man Anthony Vickers. Regular Twe12th Man panellist Steve Dixon got both items signed when attending the club's anniversary dinner at the Town Hall, with all in attendance that evening, including England manager Gareth Southgate, signing the two items.

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Supporters could then go to Twe12th Man's Crowd Funder and pay for entries into the draw, with an online random generator then selecting the two winners and all money raised going to the Foodbank. With the help of promotion on the podcast, the group managed to raise £1,113 in just two weeks.

Lewis Morris won first prize which was the signed shirt and was presented with it at Saturday's game against Swansea City as the group were also involved in the MSF-run charity drive outside the Riverside Stadium.

As well as Southgate, the items were also signed by George Boateng, Bolo Zenden, Franck Queudrue, Szilard Nemeth, Massimo Maccarone and Stewart Downing who attended the club's event at the Town Hall in February. Boro were celebrating 20 years since beating Bolton Wanderers to win the Carling Cup - the club's first major honour.