Middlesbrough vets locked themselves in surgery room as hooded intruder raided till

A veterinary surgeon and nurse locked themselves in a room in the middle of the night after a hooded intruder ignored their orders to leave.

Dr Alex Eddy and a nurse confronted Christopher Jackson, at 1.30am, when they heard banging coming from the reception area of The Bridge Veterinary Hospital, on Victoria Street, in Middlesbrough. The staff, who were working a nightshift on March 4, walked into the reception and saw Jackson rummaging around, as he carried a bottle of alcohol.

When he didn't reply, they locked themselves in a room and called the police.

Officers found Jackson outside, 38, a few minutes later, hoarding a stash of £1 and 50p coins. He had stolen £50 from the till. Teesside Crown Court has heard that he forced the hospital's front door open by snapping the lock off its hinge.

Christopher Jackson, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to burglary. He has 59 previous convictions for 130 offences - which include two other burglaries and over 60 thefts - over the last 20 years. In 2014, he was jailed for three years and four months, after he beat a man unconscious as he mugged him.

In mitigation, Nigel Soppitt told the court that "sadly, this has been the story of his life for over two decades". "He's been desperate for drink and drugs for 24 years," Mr Soppitt explained. The defence barrister added that Jackson didn't know anybody was inside the animal hospital when he broke in.

Jackson has been held on remand in Durham prison, where his barrister said he in on a methadone programme and hopes to be moved to the therapeutic wing. "He's on a digital skills course which will progress into an NVQ in computer skills," Mr Soppitt said, "he wants to change, but has struggled to find accommodation when he leaves prison."

Judge Andrew Sutcliffe jailed Jackson for one year, telling him: "This sentence is designed to keep you off the streets for the greatest period possible. It is good that you are engaging with what the prison can offer you. You are too old to continue this pattern of consistent offending."

Jackson must pay The Bridge Animal Hospital £187 in compensation when he is released.