Midlothian playgroup owners set to start club again after 'devastating' event

Catherine and Tracey
Catherine and Tracey -Credit:Edinburgh Live

Two Midlothian playgroup owners have been left relieved after securing a new venue for their much-loved club.

Catherine Mccolm and Tracey Nicol filled up three cars full of toys that were used at their parent and toddler group that they started up in February. They were left scrambling for a new location that would be able to store all of their toys.

Previously located within Xtreme Air Sports Sky High Cafe at Ryze, the group was a space for parents, carers and grandparents to take their children free of charge due to the rising costs of play venues.

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They were worried that they would not be able to run the club due to not having any storage for the large number of toys that they have collected over the past few months. However, the pair were left overjoyed after Easthouses Bowling Club "came to their rescue" and offered space for them to run the group.

They are hoping to start up again on Tuesday, May 14.

Tracey announced on social media: "Fantastic news after an absolute day for Catherine and I and our parents/carers, babies and toddlers. Easthouses Bowling Club has come to our rescue and offered us their main hall to hold our baby and toddler group.

"We are so grateful. It's great to have this support in the community as they attempt to survive through this economic climate and all they ask is that we help to promote events in the club, so get yourself along. We need to support these good people that can still help out when it comes to community spirit.

"We will need to sort a few things out but hope to start the group up on Tuesday, May 14. We will keep you all informed and hope to see you then in our new premises".