Moment man grabs gifts from shop counter before running out caught on camera

This is the shocking moment a brazen shoplifter allegedly steals gifts from a small independent Welsh business. A man, who is not known to the business, was captured on CCTV walking into The Chocolate Box in Ravenhill, Swansea on Saturday, April 27 and immediately reaching for a gift hamper with a big balloon from a table at the front of the shop.

The footage shows the man grabbing more items from the table before he turns and dashes out the door. Staff at the shop say the man failed to pay for any of the items and have reported the matter to the police.

Staff at the shop soon shared the CCTV footage on social media as a warning to other local businesses. The full clip, which we have blurred for legal reasons, has been viewed more than 12,000 times and has prompted a flurry of support for the independent business.

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Sharing details of the items, staff member Julie told WalesOnline: "The items were a chocolate hamper and the balloon was decorated with flowers, and a bottle of Prosecco in the box as well [was taken]."

"The items were valued at around £50 and it happened at approximately 1.30pm," she added. "The response from the public has been amazing and all the details have been passed onto the police."

South Wales Police has confirmed the incident was reported to them. Investigations are ongoing.