Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Episode 7: That Dramatic Logo Reveal, Explained

The following contains spoilers from the Dec. 22 episode of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, now streaming on Apple TV+.

Two name changes figured into the seventh episode of Apple TV+’s Monarch: Legacy of Monsters — though it was the latter that may have left some viewers scratching their heads, wondering about its very apparent significance.

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The episode “Will the Real May Please Stand Up?,” as the title suggests, delved into the backstory of Kiersey Clemons’ hacker character, who has had an air of mystery about her for the past few episodes. Following last week’s too-close-for-comfort brush with Godzilla himself, May found herself kidnapped — though not by Monarch, nor even the rogue Duvall.

A series of flashbacks proceeded to detail how, 30 months prior, May — whose actual name is Corah — was toiling for a bleeding-edge company called Applied Experimental Technologies. Corah had been aggressively wooed by AET boss Brenda (The Expanse‘s Dominique Tipper), enticed by, sure, lotsa cash, but primarily the opportunity to do good things for humankind.

Corah, though, saw her talents oddly put to little use at AET. Nor was she allowed within arm’s length of the company’s mysterious Cybernetic Neural Interface Unit. Using her particular set of skills, Corah finagled her way into the Cybernetic Neural Interface Unit’s files and saw that they were experimenting on chimps and other animals, rigging them up with body horror-esque tech.

Corah quietly used her coding skillz to plant a tapeworm that one night started rapidly wiping out all of AET’s data. Called out by a barrage of panicked text messages, including from an incensed Brenda, Corah told her kid sis she Lyra needed to run away for a while. Some time later, she landed in Japan (where she had that “meet cute” with shutterbug Kentaro) and began using the name May, hoping that her past with AET would never catch up with her.

But as this week’s kidnapping proved, catch up with her it did. Brenda told Corah that the code she used to torpedo AET was so distinct, she may as well have signed her name on the tapeworm she planted. Brenda gave the rogue employee two options: Return to her pals Cate and Kentaro and feed AET anything she learns about Monarch, or face the music courtesy of law enforcement.

May appeared to choose the latter, pushing Cate and Kentaro away. But then Cate struck a deal with Verdugo, offering to help Monarch track down Colonel Shaw — who had returned to Alaska, with Duvall, to drop alllll the explosives on the glowing rift up there — in exchange for getting May back. One surreptitious visit from Verdugo later and AET’s Brenda happily let May go, under the terms of a trade that are not yet clear.

Brenda was last seen in her office at AET — circa the year 2015, remember — taking a call from an unseen/unheard “Walter.” As she confirmed that she had received what he sent over, her desktop monitors very dramatically transitioned from the AET logo into one for Apex Cybernetics, which she said would send a clear message about the renamed company’s mission.

Demián Bichir in ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ (Everett Collection)
Demián Bichir in ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ (Everett Collection)

Apex Cybernetics, helmed by billionaire CEO Walter Simmons (played on the big screen by Demián Bichir), played a significant role in the 2021 movie Godzilla vs. Kong. In a nutshell, Apex — in the wake of the emergence of Titans — aimed to re-establish man as the dominant species on Earth. To that end, the company secretly built “Mechagodzilla,” a mechanical Titan powered by an energy source found inside the Titans’ Hollow Earth home and that was psionically controlled using a severed head of a Ghidorah.

Meaning that whatever AET was tinkering with in 2015 laid the foundation for, a half-decade or so later, the creation/control of Mechagodzilla. We won’t spoil the Godzilla vs. Kong film for you, but… let’s just say that Apex did not think through their grand plan very well.

Tell us what you thought of Monarch‘s seventh episode of 10, “Will the Real May Stand Up?”

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