Monty Don shares 'easiest' vegetable to grow and it 'always tastes wonderful'

Farmer planting young seedlings
It's time to get planting -Credit:Getty Images

TV star Monty Don has shared nearly 20 jobs gardeners need to be getting on with in April. The Gardener's World host has compiled the handy guide, which includes several vegetable planting suggestions.

Gardening pro Monty claimed that lettuce is “one of the easiest of all plants to grow” and freshly harvested, home-grown lettuce “always tastes wonderful”. He noted that lettuces grow best in mild, moist conditions so a hot, dry summer is as big a problem as a cold winter, reports the Express.

However many lettuces are happy in some shade as this will keep them cooler. That has led Monty to issue some advice.

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Woman picking lettuce from garden
Lettuce is one of the easiest of all plants grow -Credit:Getty Images

In his monthly blog, he said: “To avoid a glut or, worse, your lettuce all running to seed at once in very hot weather, the secret is to have good succession - which essentially means maintaining a small but constant supply of plants rather than one big harvest. To do this sow some new seed every three or four weeks and as one batch goes over another will be ready to eat with a third growing on as young seedlings.”

Monty explained that most lettuce takes about six to eight weeks to grow sufficiently large to eat and will be good for another month or so if kept watered and cool. He advises that a few seeds sown thinly will “provide healthier, leafier lettuces” rather than a mass of thick seedlings.

As they appear, Monty recommends gardeners weed and thin carefully to a final spacing of at least four inches. For those who have a greenhouse, he says it is best to sow into plugs and plant out the seedlings when they are growing strongly. This is because people "cannot protect the delicate seedlings from slug attack”.

In terms of what lettuce variety to go for, Monty recommends that every gardener “experiments with different varieties until they find the ones that they like”. He does encouraged people to grow three or four different types and varieties at any one time throughout the year.

Red butterhead lettuce
Red lettuce is less likely to be eaten by slugs than green leaves -Credit:Getty Images

As his own preference, Monty said that a good Cos lettuce aka Romaine is “best of all”. Specifically, he says Little Gem will "do well from an early sowing and certainly is always worth finding room for in the garden”.

The gardening pro shared that he grows red and green oak-leaf or salad bowl varieties. He said: “Red Salad Bowl tastes great and looks fantastic. Red lettuce grows slower than green ones and tends to be a little bitter - which I like. They are also less likely to be eaten by slugs than green leaves.”

Another vegetable Monty recommends planting now is new potatoes. He said: “The sooner you can plant seed for first earlies the sooner you can enjoy that delicious harvest that always tastes so much better than any that you can buy.”

To do so, make a v-shaped trench six to nine inches deep and place the seed potatoes about 12 inches apart along the bottom of it. From here, backfill the trench so that the soil forms a ridge along the length of it. Leave at least three feet between rows to allow for earthing up - digging more soil onto emerging foliage to protect them from late frosts.

Monty said: “I also grow them in a raised bed simply pushing each seed potato in a six-inch deep hole made with a dibber with each plant about 18 inches apart in a grid.”

Monty has also issued a warning with this though. He says that once planted, people should “always enrich the soil for potatoes with plenty of well-rotted manure or compost”.