This Morning facing backlash with over 100 Ofcom complaints about Cherry Healey's controversial advice

Ofcom received 129 complains after the advice given out about UTIs
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

This Morning has been hit with a barrage of complaints after Cherry Healey was accused of sharing 'incorrect advice' about UTIs on the programme.

The television host recounted her harrowing ordeal with a urinary tract infection during an appearance on the show, which resulted in a five-day hospital stay due to her failure to seek treatment promptly.

She joined Senior Urologist Jean McDonald on the ITV morning show to discuss the importance of not overlooking symptoms of UTIs, emphasising that they can have serious consequences for your bladder and kidneys, potentially causing lasting harm.

Cherry, 43, described her own scare: "I woke up on Thursday and it was definitely there [a UTI]. But I was a bridesmaid I was actually maid of honour at my best friend's wedding - and I was going straight from filming to her wedding in the countryside. It's in the middle of nowhere. There's no way I could get to a doctor."

Instead of seeking medical attention, Cherry decided to soldier on through her best friend's nuptials, relying on cranberry juice and painkillers. She added: "I could feel my body getting sicker and sicker. I went through the Friday night of celebrations and then by Saturday at the wedding, I just felt horrendous", reports the Mirror.

"I had a blanket wrapped around me the whole wedding pretty much, because I was shaking uncontrollably because I had a fever. What happened was it had moved up to my kidneys. I went to A&E the next day and they just couldn't work out what was going on. I underplayed UTIs so much I didn't even tell them I'd had one. I didn't think that was it. It's only when they did a lumbar puncture on me they found out. It's actually scarred my kidneys. That's what happens if you don't listen to your body!".

During the segment, Cherry mentioned drinking cranberry juice a common home remedy for urinary infections and taking painkillers, but she claimed that for her "painkillers don't work on UTIs".

Her advice led to 129 viewers lodging complaints with Ofcom, alleging that the segment violated broadcasting rules by disseminating inaccurate information. The NHS website states that "some people take cystitis sachets or cranberry drinks and products every day to prevent UTIs from happening, which may help".

However, they clarified there is "no evidence" these methods alleviate symptoms or treat an existing UTI infection.

This Morning has been contacted for comment.

According to the NHS, symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) may include: Your urine may also appear darker or have a strong odour. If this is your only symptom, it could be due to dehydration. However, if you experience any of the severe symptoms mentioned above and feel confused or drowsy, seek immediate medical attention.

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