This Morning tensions boil over as Nick Ferrari snaps at guest in fiery debate

This Morning tensions boil over as Nick Ferrari snaps at guest in fiery debate

During the latest episode of This Morning, a heated debate caused temperatures to soar as presenters Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard led a discussion on current affairs with guests Ashley James and LBC radio host Nick Ferrari.

The conversation, which took place on Thursday (June 27), centred around whether celebrities should engage in political debates. The topic was sparked by Rishi Sunak's comments about David Tennant being "the problem" following a dispute between MP Kemi Badenoch and the actor concerning women's and trans rights.

While sharing their views, both Ashley and Nick concurred that celebrities have the right to express their political opinions. However, the atmosphere chilled when Ashley suggested that trans individuals' lives are endangered when the government fuels "stoke culture wars", prompting a sharp retort from Nick.

He questioned: "How does that improve the situation? How on earth does that by upping the anti...". Ashley cut in, saying: "I completely agree with what you're saying, however, I also think you have to be mindful."

As tensions rose in the studio, viewers at home didn't hesitate to join in on the unexpected action, debating the legitimacy of celebrities voicing their political stances and whether or not it is needed. One particular viewer expressed their frustration on X, commenting: "Why does Ashley James think it's only their opinion that matters and us mere scum are not allowed to have one."

Another person wrote: "As a female, I do not want someone as privileged, out of touch and Rich as Trashley to speak on my behalf- she has no clue." Another chimed in with: "Did Cat Deeley just say should 'we' stay out of politics? Obviously loves calling herself a celeb lol."

The discussion comes hot on the heels of Doctor Who actor David's recent accolade as a "celebrity ally" at the British LGBT Awards last week. In his acceptance speech, David took aim at Ms Badenoc following the Business Secretary's proposal to prohibit transgender women from using women's lavatories.

David Tennant shared his views
David Tennant shared his views

Upon receiving the award, Mr Tennant remarked: "It is human decency. We shouldn't live in a world where that is worth remarking on.

"However, until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn't exist any more I don't wish ill of her, I just wish her to shut up. Whilst we do live in this world, I am honoured to receive this."