Mothers more likely to be in work than childless men

Better access to childcare has prompted the shift, the ONS said  - PA
Better access to childcare has prompted the shift, the ONS said - PA

Mothers are now more likely to be in work than childless men and the number of stay-at-home mums has fallen to a record low, new figures show. 

The data from the Office for National Statistics shows that for the first time in 20 years the proportion of mothers who are working has overtaken the proportion of childless men in work. 

It shows 73.7 per cent of women with dependent children are now in work, compared to 73.5 per cent of childless men. 

Fathers have the highest overall employment rates, with more than 90 per cent holding down a job. Childless women have the lowest, as less than 70 per cent are in work. 

The ONS said its analysis showed that mothers with young children were more likely to go back to work than they were 20 years ago. 

The change was driven by a rise in women in full-time employment, particularly those with children under 10, while the proportion of mothers in part-time employment has remained static. 

One in three mothers now works full time, and 38 per cent work part time.

The report said that policy changes such as the expansion of free childcare had enabled more women with young children to remain in work. 

Mothers in general have higher employment rates than women without children, though women with children aged three or four were the group least likely to be in work. 

But the proportion of this group who were working full time has risen from 17 per cent in 1997 to 25 per cent this year. 

The majority of women with children who are less than one year old say they are still working full-time, but the balance shifts when their child reaches the age of one. 

"When a child is under one, the majority of mothers report that they are in full-time employment (many are likely to be on maternity leave at this point).

"However, this changes when the youngest dependent child is between 1 and 12 years old – the majority of mothers with children in this age range report that they are working part-time," the report said. 

The data also shows that the traditional structure with a father who works and a mother who does not is no longer the norm. The majority of couples have both parents in employment, with 71 per cent of families fitting this pattern. 

Most of them split work so that the father works full-time and the mother works part-time. 

In the largest families the traditional set-up is more common. Among those with three or more children, 31 per cent had a working father and a stay-at-home mother, compared to just 16 per cent of those with one child. 

ONS data released earlier this month revealed that the proportion of stay-at-home mothers had fallen to its lowest-ever level, with 1.86m women out of work because they were looking after their family or home. This is a drop from the 2.91m recorded in 1993 and represents just over one in three women aged between 16 and 64. In 1993 it was almost half. 

Chris Weaver, associate and employment lawyer at Payne Hicks Beach, said that there was "still quite some way to go" as working mothers still experienced workplace discrimination. 

 "Mothers with young children are still less likely to be in work than other working age adults.  

"Often the work is part-time and does not provide the same opportunities that they may have had in their full-time roles before they went on maternity leave.

Discrimination against mothers seeking to return to work after maternity leave is, unfortunately, still the reality in some workplaces, for example, discriminatory refusal of flexible working requests or selection for redundancy after they have returned to work," he said.