MP hopeful in second parliamentary bid after losing with 4pc of vote

Green Party candidate Ben Price <i>(Image: Ben Price)</i>
Green Party candidate Ben Price (Image: Ben Price)

An election candidate who previously lost with just 4pc of the vote is hoping for victory in his second parliamentary bid.

Ben Price, Green Party candidate in Norwich North, has said it is "not impossible" that he will become the constituency's next MP at the General Election.

Mr Price, who is a city and county councillor, stood for election in South Norfolk in 2019 and received just 4pc of the vote - but is hoping for better fortunes in the city.

He said: "It's unlikely that I will win but stranger things have happened - Greens can do it and we need to show people that.

"I would work tirelessly and want to put Norfolk and Norwich on the map."

Ben Price is hoping for election in Norwich North (Image: Ben Price)

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He has represented Thorpe Hamlet on the city council since 2012 and was recently re-elected as leader of the Green group at County Hall.

The father-of-two said his priority as MP would be getting affordable and social housing built to high environmental standards across the constituency.

Ben Price with his sons Olly and Louis (Image: Ben Price)

He added: "It's an important time to be a role model for my two boys and I want to show them that you can make a different to the world you live in.

"Norwich has been undersold and undervalued by other parties for too long - I know what the city needs."

All the candidates standing in Norwich North are Ben Price, the Conservative's Charlotte Salomon, Reform UK's Nick Taylor, Labour candidate Alice Macdonald, Chika Akinwale for the Lib Dems and Independent candidate Fiona Grace.