MP hopefuls answer questions on conflict in Gaza

HUSTINGS: The candidates ready to take questions <i>(Image: Carl Freeman)</i>
HUSTINGS: The candidates ready to take questions (Image: Carl Freeman)

Some of Worcester’s would-be MPs answered questions about the ongoing conflict in Gaza on Tuesday (June 25).

Marc Bayliss of the Conservatives, Tor Pingree from the Green Party and the Trade Unionist and Social Coalition candidate Mark Davies attended the hustings organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Lib Dem candidate Mel Allcott could not attend so had campaign manager Simon Cottingham represent the party instead.

Labour’s Tom Collins, the Social Democratic Party’s Duncan Murray and Reform UK’s Andy Peplow did not attend.

Green candidate Tor Pingree at the hustings (Image: Carl Freeman)

All four attendees said they supported an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, with Mr Davies saying he has been “part of the campaign in Worcester calling for that”.

“We’ve been out on the High Street every Saturday calling for that,” he said, adding that he wanted a “socialist solution”.

Asked if Israel has the right to defend itself, Mr Davies described its attack on Gaza as a “land grab” and “not something the Israeli people benefit from”.

Trade Unionist candidate Mark Davies (Image: Carl Freeman)

Mr Bayliss said: “Only through peace and negotiation can we resolve the situation. And with Northern Ireland we have a roadmap.”

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He called for “much more aid and greater UN presence through neutral monitors” in Palestine and said he wouldn’t support an arms embargo on Israel as it “has a right to exist, as does Palestine”.

“If we stop supplying arms to Israel - the US will fill the gap,” he said.

Tory candidate Marc Bayliss (Image: Carl Freeman)

Miss Pingree said: “Recognition of the state of Palestine is hugely important. Then we could have an urgent international effort to end the occupation of Palestinian land.”

She said the Green Party does support an arms embargo and would also pull public funds from sporting and music events in Israel.

Mr Cottingham said the Liberal Democrats advocated an “immediate bilateral ceasefire using the 1967 borders”.

Lib Dem campaign manager Simon Cottingham (Image: Carl Freeman)

Asked about the rise of far-right political parties across Europe and hate encountered by members of the Muslim community, he said: “Anything undermining our wonderful society is wrong.

“We have a wonderful group of people who have sought refuge in Worcester and we must fight against the hard right and the hard left trying to make it so we can no longer look after each other and love each other.”