Multi-million-pound lawsuit against dirty dentist who sparked HIV scare to be dropped

A multi-million pound lawsuit against a dentist who sparked an HIV scare is to be dropped after an eight-year battle for compensation.

Alan Morrison, 61, who ran surgeries in Ayrshire, was struck off the dental register in 2016 after he put 6000 patients at risk by using dirty equipment.

The local health board closed down his premises in Cumnock and Drongan when they were tipped off by a ­whistleblower in 2013.

About 2250 patients were tested for blood-borne viral infection due to his actions. Four tested positive for ­hepatitis C, though it is not known if they contracted it from the dental practices.

It prompted one of the biggest mass litigations in Scottish history, with the number of patients claiming ­compensation from Morrison reaching at least 800.

Thompsons Solicitors have now told clients that they have “exhausted” all efforts to take legal action. They advised clients to take up an offer by Morrison to abandon all cases on a “no expenses” basis.

David Reid was tested for infection after being a patient of Alan Morrison.
David Reid was tested for infection after being a patient of Alan Morrison. -Credit:Supplied

David Reid, 68, from Cumnock, a patient of Morrison, says “no justice” has been served. He said: “Morrison admitted to what he did and he was previously even struck off before these breaches, but yet he has just walked away. It’s just not right.

“He blatantly cut corners at the expense of his patients.

“I’m the sort of person that leaves a lot of things on the surface, but I will never forget when my grandchild asked my wife why her ‘papa’ didn’t love her any more after I became quite distant and wouldn’t hug them out of worry.

“Even though my test came back ­negative, whenever I became ill I worried if it might be something to do with that.

“I had appointments with Morrison at least a dozen times. It was chaotic and disorganised. You’d walk in and there were tools just lying on a tray.

“You just assume that you can trust your dentist. I even defended him when rumours started coming out as I thought he was a decent guy. It defeats me how this is justice.”

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Morrison declared himself bankrupt in 2016 but Thompsons said they would continue with their lawsuit. Their efforts came to a halt in June 2023 when the lead patient in the action was refused an appeal.

The courts had previously ruled Morrison was not responsible for an acute stress disorder suffered by the patient as a result of learning of a small chance he had contracted a blood-borne infection.

Thompsons said they struggled to accept the courts came to the right decision and it was with “much regret” that they were unable to support the litigation further.

Morrison's dental surgery in Drongan
Morrison's dental surgery in Drongan -Credit:SWNS

A court decision is yet to be confirmed on whether Thompsons can pursue cases for other clients, but they said they could no longer support funding the cases with significant litigation expenses to be paid.

David continued: “I’m angry. We’ve been dragged through this lawsuit for eight years and then they just drop us.

“Myself and others can’t afford to sue ourselves so unfortunately it is just another example of the big businesses stomping on the ordinary guy.”

Thompsons said: “We cannot comment currently due to ongoing legal issues but will issue a statement in the near future.”

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