Mum who had life-long weight battle has lost 7stone since August

A mum-of-four who struggled with obesity due to hormonal issues has now lost half her body weight and feels "happy again" after ditching more than eight stone. Jade Edwards, 43, from Chester, began a long and exhausting battle with her weight after giving birth to her first child at the age of 17, reaching her peak weight of 15 stone at just 5ft tall.

"I started gaining weight when I began having children," the stay-at-home mum said. "Initially, I could always lose the weight, but it got harder with each pregnancy." A hormonal imbalance, including thyroid issues and elevated prolactin levels, exacerbated her weight woes. "It was frustrating because no matter how hard I tried, the weight just wouldn't come off," she said.

Her situation worsened over the last four years, particularly during the lockdown where she also indulged in emotional eating, which led to a sense of despair and isolation. "I'd lock myself in the house for over a year, avoiding friends and social situations," she said. "The hot flashes and constant sweating were unbearable. I felt judged whenever I went out."

Jade tried everything from diets to exercise, but nothing seemed to work. "I even lost six stone in seven months on Weight Watchers," she said. "But after my next child, I gained it all back and more." Her medical history, including a full hysterectomy at a young age due to persistent hormonal issues, further complicated her weight loss efforts.

Desperate for a solution, she sought help through the NHS, only to be informed that she would face a waiting period of up to four years for weight loss surgery - despite her BMI of 41 categorising her as obese. "I was referred for weight loss surgery, but after two years on the waiting list, I was told it would be at least another two years before I could have the procedure," she said. "My health was deteriorating, and I knew I couldn't wait that long."

Determined to find an alternative, Jade researched her options. "I initially looked into Turkey because it was more affordable," she said. "A friend had gone there and had good results, but I read some horror stories too. My doctor advised against it due to safety concerns."

Jade chose Weight Loss Riga, a clinic in Latvia. Accompanied by her mother and youngest daughter for moral support, Jade underwent gastric sleeve surgery at the clinic on August 14 last year, paying around £6,000 - including flights, hotel, transfers, and other travel expenses — compared to the £10,500 quoted for the same procedure in the UK.

"I was scared, of course," she said. "But the clinic was spotless, the staff were amazing, and the whole process was much easier than I expected."

Post-surgery, Jade’s life has changed dramatically, with her diet now consisting of small, protein-rich meals - a stark contrast to her pre-surgery habits. "Breakfast might be two small pancakes with fruit, lunch is often soup, and dinner is usually chicken with vegetables," she said.

Jade has had a dramatic weight loss transformation, from a size 18 to 20 to a size 8, now weighing 8 stone 7lbs. "The weight started dropping off almost immediately," she said. "My other health issues dissipated too - I no longer sweat constantly, and I’m off most of the medication I was taking for chronic pain and nerve damage."

She added: "I feel like I’ve got my life back and I'm finally happy again. Having recently become a grandmother, I feel even more motivated to stay healthy and active. I'm not hiding away anymore - I've started going to the gym and have hired a personal trainer to help me build strength."

Dr Maksims Mukans, a bariatric surgeon at Weight Loss Riga, said: "After undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, patients often undergo a transformative experience with food. The procedure reduces stomach capacity, leading to earlier satiety with smaller meals. It also initiates a metabolic reset that helps break the cycle of weight loss and regain."